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Lol can't be real

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>Nobody said this would be fun
I didn't ask for it either, faggot.

Oh yes, it can

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>try lentils instead of meat

Ideally you should be eating both. Lentils are a great source of protein and other nutrients/minerals (though need a lot of cumin in order to stop your bowels from erupting), but you shouldn’t completely eliminate meat unless you’re some low test vegan kike.

Every other opinion is absolute garbage.

This is now a retarded politicial twitter user opinion thread

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Based lentil eating
>The philosopher Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper.
>He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.
>Aristippus said, “If you would learn to flatter and be subservient to the king, you would not have to eat lentils.”
>Diogenes said, “If you would learn to eat lentils, you will not have to flatter and be subservient to the king.”

>lentils a great source of protein.
no, they are not.
sure they have protein in them, but only 23% of it is usable by humans.

Easy for Bloomberg to say up in their ivory tower.

Clown world

If you eat them with a whole grain within 24 hours you’re good, it raises the methionine levels which then allows your body to “access” the remaining amino acids

Better take their word for it

>nobody said this would be fun.
Oh, but it will be.

Bloomberg disqus comments (not twitter) are usually very redpilled. There's a lot of high IQ, educated gen X/boomers who post there. They rip holes into the arguments of the neoliberal authors of the articles.

it isn't even about being complete.
it is about your bodies capability of actually extracting what proteins are in plants.
If you eat 100g of protein from plants, and 100g of proteins from animals, your uptake rate from the animal based protein is much higher. To the point that it will likely be near 100g uptake from the animal protein, and most likely near 50g from plant based proteins.

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Let them eat lentils.

Also WTF is this 'stings most if you earn less than $300k' crap? Might as well just say it hurts the 99%.

from the nytimes

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Garbage as expected

Good to know. This is primarily why I use fish oil and sometimes sardines for omega 3 and not flaxseed. I’ve heard that apparently your body has to work much harder to extract the omega 3 from flaxseed. Not sure how true that is, but it aligns with what you’re saying.

how would you suggest getting more protein when you eat plants then?

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there's a group of people in our country who are too comfortable sleeping in their beds and they're smaller than we realize

by heavily processing and extracting the proteins in them so that you can actually digest and break them down.



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I'm not sure i understand, i like to eat steamed broccoli, am i getting enough out of it? or can i do more to get more protein

Have you considered not being poor? That’s ultimately your choice.

>let them take the bus

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proteins are chains and various combinations of of amino acids. The proteins in plants are often folded into long and odd chains of amino acids. Sometimes with saccharides or even indigestible fiber as part of these chains. This means that even if you ate it, your body has no natural way of using many of these amino acids to re use for itself. This is how cows can eat grass/hay that is indigestible to humans. They basically ferment it inside of their stomachs to break it down. Humans can not do that in our digestive system. Steaming broccoli could break some of them apart, yes, but not really enough to make a large difference.
I am not telling you to not eat plants, as they do have things we need in them. But don't trust the labeling saying it contains X amount of protein, when much of it is likely inaccessible for your digestive system.

"Let them eat cake" in other words. Also

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