I may get put in prison for this

but I love love Hitler. He cared about us unlike the snakes we have now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Godspeed, brave user.

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The absolute must-know jew, Weimar, WW2 and holohoax redpills:

All you assholes had to do was win the war. This timeline haunts me every day :(

The holocaust was the narrative used to justify the destruction of Germany by the allies, the demonization of right wing politics and the sanctification of jews. It has nothing to do with concentration camps or that some jews died in the war.

As the central piece in the post-WW2 new world order, it was instrumental in the creation of the post-christian world where whiteness became the original sin, Hitler the Devil, right-wing politics demonic, racism the greatest evil, jews the gods and the destruction of Western culture and values the ultimate redemption.

It was a very clever way to enslave an entire group of people without them even noticing

Attached: question jail.jpg (477x518, 72.19K)

>a Texas sized nation takes on the entire world
They did amazingly well, to be honest.

always speak the truth mo matter what.

If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

If you do, you arent alone. Irving, zundel, leuchter and i cant remember her name but they even jailed like a 85yo german woman for speaking out the truth of 1933-1945. We are with you and we are never alone if we cover each other.

Based. Bump for genuine kroutbro.

Idk if irving is still active. But i watch zundels 100th year speech every 4/20. It is beyond moving.

This grandma on the right looks better than Emma Watson.

picrel op faggot

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If they only knew...

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gods? their children die because they are weak and suffer from sunlight man

they hide in their lives all day longs and live on hookers tits and ass and coke, and others i dont know wtf they know

but they dont know honour, or seeing your children happy when santa gives a little present no matter how small it is

they are cursed they cant be gods

Its like when I spent 3 months in jail for lgbt shit and shady police with false charges, damn those guards sometims think they are free, but its a sad life. I mean they are the ones traveling hours in bus to work and watch 200 naked men everyday, omg what a shit job. I was there 3 months only.

Fun fact: being a nazi is legal in the Netherlands.

And the father and grandfather of the King were both nazi's. His grandpa was part of the SS. And stood guard during the night of the long knives. And he had conversations which Hitler.
Of course, ever since he became part of the royal house everyone pretends this never happened and we was against nazi's all along.

It's very hard to find nazi's here though. Our local nazi party never gets enough votes to get a seat anywhere. I'm also not a nazi.

>tfw America was literally enforcing immigration bans and was actually becoming more white in the 1940’s due to eugenic progressives in charge
>and then this shit happened
What a fucking disaster of historic proportions

The whole propaganda against hitler and nazism was exaggerated massively. There were concentration camps in USSR and USA at the same time and even after nazi germany. And also unethical experiments with minorities for decades after WWII. And that was the only shit that people acccused nazis of doing wrong. The core idea of nationalism was never wrong, and neither fascism. If you study them in its origin(before nazi germany) nationalism was about unifying people into nations and build something meaningful and decent for everyone. One has to remember that before nazism and fascism came into being europe was ruled by empires and monarchies, when they collapsed after WWI nation-stated started to replace them and what filled that void was nationalism/fascism. It was a noble idea that had nothing wrong, many people admired it. Then WWII came along and the USSR and USA(the 2 new empires) started demonising Hitler in order to destroy europe and the idea of nation-state because it was a dangerous idea for the powerful and the dominant powers.

This poster is literal JIDF.

Jew shilling organizations redpills and exposure of their tactics:



It’s crazy how true this is. It makes me wonder why they don’t depict him as a fallen hero of sorts instead of Satan incarnate. He did not live a life of excess. He did not use his position for personal gain. His mission was ultimately to make the average German’s life as comfortable as possible, which he did succeed at before the war.
I question the idea that it was true “brainwashing” in Nazi Germany. Is it really brainwashing if you tell your people you’re going to drag them up out of the mud and then actually do it and love you tor it?

>and then this shit happened
A quick history lesson...
>Weimar Germany is the jew capital of the world
>Hitler rightfully expels the jews
>Jews then claim Hitler supposedly killed literally ***HALF*** the world jew population and took their wealth etc.
>only a few thousand bodies ever found
>4+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews become far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
>The USA becomes the new jew capital of the world
It really makes one think.

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He invaded other countries. And they won a Pyrrhic victory, where they lost their empires. And that's Hitlers fault. Of course everyone hates him.

>4+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
Thanks to this freedom of information act, we now know to what great lengths jews went to cover-up this fact.

Attached: CIA jews in USA.png (850x1100, 527.61K)

>I may get put in prison for this
jesus, so sorry for you kraut bros

He made one final stand against globohomo before it was too late, rabbi. You know this.

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His legacy will be remembered forever

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We didn't have non-whites here before the war. We didn't need their help.


He was the last one who did.

Wherever you look now, there's just smoldering kikery.

It's like hell on earth already.

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I admire your bravery, user.

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Germany made us depended on the USA, who supported the independence of colonies and open borders. And with the Russians at our borders, we had no choice but to cling to the USA.

Heil Hitler, user. May his spirit rise again and we will all be free of those evil kikes that hold us down today. "They thought we were joking and they would laugh at us, but once the gravity of the situation became real then they laughed no more" - Adolf Hitler

I am just sad that we went along with it, you’d think white people of Britain, America and elsewhere across the world wouldn’t fall for such Jewish tricks fight a terrible world war for them and allow them to rule the world and destroy everything, like Jesus Christ how has people not waken up to how shit the world is right now? This is all the proof needed to understand we were lied to and the bad guys actually won, that the Nazi’s were really the good guys

Thanks for the pilpul admen.

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