They have completely turned an entire generation of kids into mindless slaves

They have completely turned an entire generation of kids into mindless slaves
What the fuck guys :(
It’s not funny anymore
What do we do

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>all this degenerate shit
Just fuck my shit up senpai

xi does not like baking and cooking

it's over

The average kindergarden teacher is dumber than the average kindergardener. Also zoomer bitches suck

Yes, exactly.

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>They have completely turned an entire generation of kids into mindless slaves
It's been that way since at least the the late 1990's. They know full well Americans won't do jack shit about it like anything else. That would take courage an alien concept to Americans. It' pointless to even care about America or it's future with Americans having such shit for brains and all

Checks out.

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>dating site
>5'4" mystery meat fat fuck
>wtf bros it's over

I doubt she is actually a Christian

people like pic related need not exist

Nothing, we're doomed. Zoomers have always been perfect obediant kike slaves.


That's a puerto Rican you dumb nigger.

Orthodox Christian or gtfo

Based and woman pilled

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I would still fuck her. Maya is usually a hot name.

It's a waste limited time & energy to fix women. It's a lost cause.
Focus on crafting their replacements.

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and yet she only wants a 10/10 rich dude

>19 years old: don't want kids
>40 years old: wanr someday

I too am demoralized fren. You are not alone. I don't have the answer but try to be ready for a moment to change course if it ever arises. Also remember you feeling this way is why they do it.

An absolutely massive neo-Nazi revolution is the only solution at this point. I'm not kidding.

Most people are sheep. They'll believe and act in whatever way the institutions in their societies tells them to. You see that in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, et cetera.

And who's controlled the institutions in the West over the last several decades? Jewish and Gentile shitlibs. And what are they brainwashing the masses with? Feminism, the sexual revolution, drugs, anti-White racism, LGBTQIA+ degeneracy, secularism, et cetera.

And do you really think that the Marxists and progressives who control our education system, the entertainment industry, the news industry, social media, big tech, countless NGOs, et cetera, are just going to wake up one day and go, "Ya know, those Alt-Right, misogynistic, racist, White supremacist, neo-Nazi homophobes and transphobes were right all along. It is fucked up to encourage young people to swap genders and hate on White people."

Of course not. And so what do?

Welp, they simply have to be purged from their positions of power and influence by force. We unironically need to radicalize as many people as possible, put armbands on them, give them firearms, put them in tanks, and then lay siege to our own institutions.

There's literally no other way at this point. The progressive rot is simply too deep and pervasive now for debate or the political process.

Nah they're a bunch of little sociopaths and they're poor enough that they might want a revolution at least just to get some wealth in the process. They wanna set them up to be little communist revolutionaries but they're just gonna make a bunch of vengeful whiggers and niggers


>secure limbs
>bust inside, feels better
>fake name on tinder
>put all of their food into your car
>take a tv and a couch too
>credit card
>get car running
>let them go, sprint to car
>rebuy all of the bdsm materials you left there
"Oh I had no clue this was how babies were made!"
>abort the baby by 9 month and 1 day accidental take your kid to work day roofing accident

cannon fodder. plenty of it going around

Dudes assblasted, go scalp from the state funded breeding program that is college or high school spring break and shit or something.

OP, are you even white if you look at those?

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How do homesteaders play into this? What about city whiggers? Is it feasible to take back the cities (preferably with no bullets fired)?

Damn, slow night in DC tonight huh?

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