Any Forums was… right

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We are always right

The irony. Bloomberg has 100x the control over current events that Vladimir does. Its almost like the western zioaristocracy manipulates supply and demand for their own benefit.

I think they call that chutzpah.



Somebody should SHOOT those fucking bread bakers for raising the prices

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no, Any Forums was saying that western countries are going to starve and the USD was dead

>Putins price hike

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Which is accurate, just 2 weeks too soon.

Yeah, because the US imports so much from Russia usual.

No, but Europe does. And now if they don't source shit from Russia, that means they buy more from other markets, markets we do buy from, and the price raises sharply.

>not getting your toilet paper and milk from russia import

>American society will collapse in 2022 because russia invades ukraine

Kek, what?

russia does thing
russia still willing to sell stuff to everyone
west bans russian exports
west blames russia for shortages

the beauty of globalization

Prices were rising before Russia invaded Ukraine

and now it's going to get worse
all according to plan

maybe not today
maybe not in two weeks
but the day is much closer now

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>we are legion
Kys faggot. I'm a communist and my wife is a witch I just come here because I hate niggers and my kike landlord.

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There's always a berg on the path

You are surprised? Lurk 2 years before posting.

Literally everyone that isn’t a brainwashed npc knew this. The best part is that it is literally niggers in Somalia that ones that will literally starve because of this.

No shit. Anyone with a brain could see this coming from years away.

>EVs become unaffordable after out-of-touch liberals spend weeks telling everyone complaining about gas prices to go buy an EV
>Africans starve by the millions because of supply shortages

Just hasn't happened yet nigger. Still in play.

Inflation was happening before Ukraine and when Trump left office the fucking economy was going gangbusters.
Fuck you.
Fuck Joe "My Turn" Biden.
DNC at least needs to quit having debate questions leaked, run a quasi-fair election and let more progressive voices get a chance. This country is headed down the sh unless something big changes.
Trump, whatever you think of him or his presidency, at least showed us that an outsider CAN win.