If every Jewish person on earth suddenly disappeared, nothing would change...

If every Jewish person on earth suddenly disappeared, nothing would change. Crypto kikes and globohomo politicians would continue like nothing ever happened

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oh believe me, as a goyim you'd notice a huge difference

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A lot fewer children would be molested. That alone makes it worth it.

The Jewish influence has already made the democrats and liberal parties in power hellbent on white extinction

>If every Jewish person on earth suddenly disappeared, nothing would change.
Imagine all that wealth tricking down onto the working class holy shit the economy would recuperate beyond no doubt.
And all the problems of the west would be fixed.

Let's try it first, so we know for sure, though. Sorry jews. We'll build you a statue, you niggers like those.

Real Jew extinction hasn't been tried yet

Only one way to be sure fren.

There wouldn't be any more niggers on TV or on sportsball teams. Central banks would collapse. Purchasing power would revert to the people who make shit rather than those who move money around.

Oh, and no more wars.

Came here to say this. We should try just to be sure

I agree. With the white back stab each other who needs jews. This same line of thought is what made me realize that any pro-white garbage was just govt honeypot opts.

not true
the golems would be confused without a master and act accordingly

there would be a big difference now begone jew

Yes. That's why you take out the kikes in power.

Most of the elite are white masons.

With people like the Irish, Italians, Scots, French, and English, who needs kikes to fuck them over?

Check and based don't-knock-it-until-you-try-it poster

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jew media/politicians are what stir up hate between the races without jews blacks and whites would be less involved with each other (not entirely but for the most part i think they would keep to their own kind)

sure user

So you're saying if you got rid of all the parasites inside of a body, the body wouldn't become healthy again?

...That's completely retarded.

Found the child rapist satanic faggot.

Better go to bed now, nigger nation needs monitoring from your field base in the morning.

Maybe ask your FBI co-workers for some fresh new child slaves for tonight too.

Probably shoulda tried it before we had nukes, eh?

I'm willing to burn it all down at this point