Does anybody still like JK Rowling?

Does anybody still like JK Rowling?

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yea, im ginger and harry potter is the only popular story where the ginger gets the girl so i will die for her basically

We also have a gay character named Albus Dumbledore.

Rowling retconned the character to be gay so she wouldn't have to be homophobic, and as a result, she became more homophobic as a result of it.

I like her for exposing me to Emma Watson. That is all.

>anthony goldstein
what a blast from the past OP this was some 2014 shit. He appeared in the 5th book and when asked more about it JKR said
>To everyone asking whether their religion/belief/non-belief system is represented at Hogwarts: the only people I never imagined there are Wicans
Wicans are the niggers of HPverse

Leon from the og RE2 game was a ginger aryan gigachad that fugged claire, ada and probably sherry. The rascal

Trannies HATE JK but will eat up any HP product they can get their hands on. WTF?

around here millennial holes adore HP and even the most lefty of them never accepted him being a faggot as canon kek there's simply nothing alluding to it in the 7 original books.
They see him as almost asexual -- just as an old noice grandpa

They only hate her now, and not because of HP.

JKR made some twitter thread about her own personal, real lived experiences as a woman, that were shaped by her sex and gender and place in society. It was really the nut jobs who labelled her a TERF and then the ball just kept going from there.

Even anarchists get pages in the original books, but those sequences never make it to the movies.

She only hates trannies because she hates men and doesn't want them to have any of the privileges she enjoys

>wizard globohomo decides magic is to dangerous for kids
>kids form a militia, train in secret and fight
It’s alright

She only hates the men that called her and Lily Allen out over the refugee crisis and housing nonsense about a decade ago. There were weeks straight where she just wouldn't let it go.

Keep her

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The best stuff to come out of the franchise was the stuff that had nothing to do with the title character.

fantastic beasts is mostly about 2 massive faggots

Spin-off sub-franchise not included.

im also ginger and never thought about this. holy shit Rowling is based

Hell yeah bong bro. Even if that's a bad picture, she's still fine af at the BAFTA

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It seems whenever whites are replaced the gingers are the first out
The little mermaid is a mystery meat amerigoblin now, even Thor had to be blonde instead of ginge in the comics

Nope, I haven't forgotten pozzed Dumbledore and nigger Hermione. Dumb terf slag burnt every bridge possible, as is the fate of the second wave feminist. Sad. Many such cases.

ffs user you've got gigachad archie, peak schizo rorschach, no-fucks-given guy gardner, one of the fooking flashes and the d a r e d e v i l
>Thor had to be blonde instead of ginger in the comics
he doesnt look at all like he's supposed to to begin with, user

Goldstein has always been in the books. The people who are desperate to hate Rowling are pretty retarded

Iris West in the Flash
Jimmy Olsen in Supergirl
Hawkgirl in Legends of Tomorrow
Mary Jane Watson in Phase 4 MCU
Starfire in Titans
Heimdall in Thor
Shocker in Amazing Spiderman
Wally West in The Flash
Kate Kane in Batwoman

Daily reminder that Dumbledore and Grindelwald mostly just sent each other Owl's about how they were totally going to subjugate muggles and create a new world order.

In other words, they were the wizarding equivalent of shitposters on Any Forums.

It's because of those fucking shipper people from Tumblr and the like and the fanfic bullshit getting way too much attention.

Well, no.

The real reason Rowling pretends Dumbledore is gay was because of how upset the LGBT was that NO ONE in the books was gay, and she got some criticism for it.

It's just a shallow attempt at virtue signalling, really.