This video was restricted by Youtube (deemed inappropriate, age-restricted, monetization claimed by Zelensky gay production studio kvartal95).

I translated and re-uploaded on another channel. This shit is heavy, not for fags.


Attached: Снимок.png (266x148, 85.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rr4---sn-npoeen7k.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1647755394&ei=Imw2YvyhJp7Jx_APlYSTqAw&ip=,24007246,24162928&c=ANDROID&txp=6210224&sparams=expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,vprv,mime,gir,clen,ratebypass,dur,lmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRAIge4WogAO4DihgSiR_1co8rOTQpGNFMHI34zCFR-ZqpsACIFjJzL9fxh_TK3DeZGm222YtI1xqdWzoOu0Om1QzQ_n6&title=Y2Mate.is - Overview of the events that led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine [ENGLISH VOICEOVER]-ma9-66qaPrA-360p-1647734089479&rm=sn-4g5ek776&req_id=42ac79be39fda3ee&ipbypass=yes&cm2rm=sn-fpqxc5oq-hxas7l,sn-hxal76&redirect_counter=3&cms_redirect=yes&cmsv=e&mh=ND&mip=,mh,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl&lsig=AG3C_xAwRAIgSiSvCi2YB0YfdVDp1oTWTWTGHTOQHLi1e0Roa7mTK18CIBfd-mZd6IhLCqEwEUMGyKK0CgRWEYiMRLc9YwuLj5JW


>This video was restricted by Youtube (deemed inappropriate, age-restricted, monetization claimed by Zelensky gay production studio kvartal95).

>I translated and re-uploaded on another channel. This shit is heavy, not for fags.

>youtube.com/watch?v=ma9-66qaPrA [Open]

Attached: 1607761953124.png (323x570, 213.54K)

Блядь иди нa хyй co cвoим шизoм! Этoт eблaн opaл чтo людeй чипиpyют чepeз BAКCИHЫ AХAХAХAХA. eбнyтый блядь.


Youtube is asking to see my ID for me to watch this?

Attached: Capture.jpg (710x767, 41.1K)

what did it say?

>1 hour long
Lol nope better qrd that shit ruskie

What is it about wtf?
I can't even watch it with a VPN

No, your gay government is asking for that information.
They need to put you on a list.


>This video was restricted by Youtube (deemed inappropriate, age-restricted,

Don't listen to him, this is an old schizophrenic who said on TV that people are being chipped through vaccines and constantly carries nonsense that Stalin will die pissing himself and pissing himself. A rare grandfather, called by the way to catch gays and treat them forcibly. and to experiment on them.

What RT says, but even worse clips.
Kids giving roman salutes and larping as natsoc, and the whole nine yards.

past the link into a youtube download site

Attached: samuyil.jpg (1280x720, 1.03M)

wtf does RT say? That is banned in my country? wtf??????

ohh thats an idea why am i dumber than leaf?
I must be tard.

>Don't listen to him, this is an old schizophrenic who said on TV that people are being chipped through vaccines and constantly carries nonsense that Stalin will die pissing himself and pissing himself. A rare grandfather, called by the way to catch gays and treat them forcibly. and to experiment on them.

Back to sucking dicks navalny bot.

Also, if he's so irrelevant, why are you so triggered faggot?

see this post
its 52 minutes of an old man talking about the political events that lead to the war

Attached: assbait.jpg (960x960, 38.84K)

Here a link thats not Jewtube
rr4---sn-npoeen7k.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1647755394&ei=Imw2YvyhJp7Jx_APlYSTqAw&ip=,24007246,24162928&c=ANDROID&txp=6210224&sparams=expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,vprv,mime,gir,clen,ratebypass,dur,lmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRAIge4WogAO4DihgSiR_1co8rOTQpGNFMHI34zCFR-ZqpsACIFjJzL9fxh_TK3DeZGm222YtI1xqdWzoOu0Om1QzQ_n6&title=Y2Mate.is - Overview of the events that led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine [ENGLISH VOICEOVER]-ma9-66qaPrA-360p-1647734089479&rm=sn-4g5ek776&req_id=42ac79be39fda3ee&ipbypass=yes&cm2rm=sn-fpqxc5oq-hxas7l,sn-hxal76&redirect_counter=3&cms_redirect=yes&cmsv=e&mh=ND&mip=,mh,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl&lsig=AG3C_xAwRAIgSiSvCi2YB0YfdVDp1oTWTWTGHTOQHLi1e0Roa7mTK18CIBfd-mZd6IhLCqEwEUMGyKK0CgRWEYiMRLc9YwuLj5JW

dont listen to him the video is pretty good
I recommend this for downloading

Id use a VPN to watch it tho

is banned or just their YT?


It is out

Attached: tmp.png (1340x732, 1.63M)

its a fucking old man just talking about history from '91
Hes got a very nice office, religious artwork, just a russian

Attached: youngzelensky.jpg (788x932, 230.16K)

The video is age restricted, you need to have a verified account to watch it

I can view RT.com if i use a private DNS

Since when do you need to give google a picture of your ID for age verification?

>Since when do you need to give google a picture of your ID for age verification?
You can fownload or watch heee as well disk.yandex.ru/i/4FN_NuZlai-FoQ

a ti ne udivlaehssa pochemy NPC effect osobenno jestko bahnul posle vaccinacii? S blm + woinoi?

>all of this bullshit
just put it on odysee or bitchute or something.

Attached: 1646137488988.png (1500x1200, 192.12K)

So far it seems to be a recap from 91 but it includes how the svboboda and right sector immediately interfered and began indoctrinating young ukranians to hate russians. Basically just a history lesson.

Hurry up to see 60 year old boomers who believe in conspiracy theories.

Really i thought pol was more autistic then this? use a fucking youtube mp4 downloader with the link if you dont want to sign in...

Attached: Retarded nigger faggot.png (631x600, 383.41K)