Biden approval: less than 40%

>Biden approval: less than 40%
>Putin approval: 71%
Russians are based as fuck globohomo destroyers

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Global homosexuality? Da fuck is that?

>71% approval in a country where you get killed outright for disapproving


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Fuck off you commie FSB niggers.

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WTF he is pro-multikulti???

Biden should love him.

Gotta boost those numbers down those are rookie numbers.

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go back

You first, to England.

You should take that same advice

Thanks for calling me white.

Good evening redditor!

>redditors aren't obsessed with homosexuality
So I guess it's a compliment?

>believing russian numbers
you retarded?

What's funny about this is we don't trust US media polling either; meaning if they have to fake their way to 40% approval just imagine with Biden's actually is.

Global *Homogenization.* Not homosexuality.

That means it is 20 or 30 percentage points lower.

Is Hillary still beating trump?

If you look closely, they maintain the 40 to 45% "support" he had in the election. Yet some polls have him in the low to mid 30s.

Ahahahahaha look at this reddit tranny try to rename it so people stop bashing fags lolololo

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>Jonny Tickle
Is he Jimmy Rustler's cousin?