What are Any Forums's thoughts on Bauhaus, school of design?

what are Any Forums's thoughts on Bauhaus, school of design?

Attached: bauhaus.jpg (1920x1285, 572.06K)

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>school of design
>building looks boring as fuck
cant make this shit up

sounds jewish and gay lol

Until you realise it was built in the 1920s

I weep. I need to see this everywhere nowadays

a non jew founded it though

was in dessau once ugly city and the school of design is even worse like commieblocks but muh modernist because they throw in a lot of glass windows and random colors

That nigger Grope Us couldn’t draw

that's quite a stylish building, but sadly the movement inspired a whole bunch of ugly commie blocks which defaced the landscape for decades

However there was a based guy there

Basically said “how is it right to focus on being an artist when there is so much that needs fixing in the world. Real problems with society etc” he was cool

so was this

Attached: index2.jpg (166x304, 7.56K)

For me, it's brutalism and art deco


The Bauhaus here in israel are nice.
This one in your picture actually not nice

Garbage front for commies
This is why Mies Van Der Rohe shut it down. He knew it was full of commies despite him trying to reform it.

they invented modernism, dipshit.

not a jew, but definitely a commie

Attached: file.png (545x674, 686.75K)

Bauhaus is peak degeneracy.

Watch “why beauty matters” by Roger Scruton (removed from jew tube) to understand all you need to know about aesthetics and commie Jewish subversion in the 20th century which lead us here.

I prefer the band.

A 100% jew thing. Think about (((Gropius))).
Nazis were right to portray that disgusting building with a camel in the foreground.

i already watched it

Walter Gropius wasn't Jewish. Mies van der Rohe wasn't Jewish either. The Bauhaus was an authentically German artistic movement.

Attached: Bauhaus.png (1023x664, 579.98K)

Some of it looks nice.

I kind of like the Mies van der Rohe Pavillon in Barcelona.


Attached: 1475353629091.jpg (703x402, 61.32K)

The Bauhaus didn't just teach architecture and furniture design. They also did painting, weaving, and even theater. The link below is a ballet by Oskar Schlemmer (not Jewish) which was put on by the Bauhaus.

Attached: Das_Triadische_Ballett.jpg (1600x2327, 336.42K)


It's in the can

modernist garbage, all architects that design this are subhuman