Be honest

How much longer is this tranny shit going to last? Its public approval seems low, and it keeps getting lower each year.

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What an absolute piece of shit am i seeing this right?
That lanky cunt on the left couldn't compete in male swimming so he changed gender to compete with women?
I am seeing this right yeah?
He still has a dick i can fucking see it.

it will last as long as the current liberal paradigm does. something could conceivably happen which changes that paradigm, for example, nuclear war within 10 years, or it could drag on for another 100+ years. it really just depends on a number of unpredictable factors.

Jesus fucking christ look at the cunt, this is a fucking male athlete 100%, no tits and he still has a cock and 70IQ Amerimutts are calling HIM a woman and letting HIM compete against women LMAO!!!!

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>and it keeps getting lower each year.
are you delusional?
they weren't doing stuff like in you pic 5 years ago

This is great for us. We need to keep pushing it until normies hit genocidal levels of hate.

Males destroying women's sports made me support trannies.

Until the supreme court does something

Yeah but after they started public perception became abysmal. 5 years ago trannies just wanted their pronouns legitimized

I'm wondering if the aids brigade eventually dumps "women" trannies like they did pedo's, as they bring to much heat to the movement.

It's never going away. It's simply too useful to the jews

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Women need to stop being catty bitches toward each other and universally boycott events with trannies, so, not any time soon

women voted for this, we should milk it for all the laughs we can get

It's a political phase. They'll be dropped just like the bible thumpers were.

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Unless he is just larping to win in women's sports, he will likely become a 41%er

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Fat white women voted for this, so I don't care.

I hope more and more deranged subpar male athletes transfer over to women sports. A few more dudes dominating women in their sports and eventually women will have to wake the fuck up and see how ridiculous the tranny charade is. At least one can hope.

they wanted this, now they have it.
this should be a valuable lesson.

KEK, context?

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poor cunts
must suck to have your space forcibly invaded & ruined for the sake of divershitty eh?

He ruined his whole day

There, fixed.

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I'd say three years from now they will all either be dead or detransitioned.

Probably not more than half to suicide. It won't be safe to walk the streets looking like a freak any more. We will be returning to pre-kiked fashion trends.
