If NATO is so bad, then how come everyone wants to join?

If NATO is so bad, then how come everyone wants to join?

If Russia is so good, then how come they have to invade every sovereign state that wants to leave?

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It's probably some kind of conspiracy

Australia isn't part of NATO and doesn't want to be either.

America First is basically another flavor of globohomo. Several streamers involved with the movement have non-white wives (Vince, Dalton, maybe others). Nick unironically says Kanye West is the greatest artist of this generation and promotes nigger music all the time on his show. He also loves talking about how he loves eating McDonalds. The only thing AF really stand for is Christianity, but not even a based version, just a watered-down inclusive mainstream globohomo version. Imagine being a Groyper and actually thinking you're conservative and based. Kek.

Hello politician of vassal state.
You should buy 50 billion of our weaponry

If you don't. We will fund your adversary and they'll buy it either way. At least this way you can funnel some money to yourself.

Canada is going to be a chinese-majority country in a few years. In the future, when China starts incorporating Canada, will the US get angry about Chinese missiles on their border?

I did not realize Russia invaded turkey when they joined NATO

>everybody wants to join NATO
>Iran literally isn't picking up the phone to sell oil to the US at enormous profit
It's incredible how much westoids live in a parallel world

children like putler because reddit doesn't

America is in the end stages of being pump and dumped.
I don't think there will be anyone left there to care or do anything to stop Chinas dominance

omg nick is so disgusting. His voice is more cringe than Ben Shapiro.

they dont want to join though

Stay seething NIGGER

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There are no sovereign states under "Western" -- Jewish -- influence

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>cue 300 posts of groyper wigger contrarian copes

>how come they have to invade every sovereign
Forget about Iraq, Afganistan, Vietnam, etc? Putin inherited a disaster and has inproved it. Western liberals take over succesful White civilizations, and are turning them to shit.

None of the govenments in NATO are independent. All coerced from a very high level.

Every single country is a political proxy war between foreign powers fighting for foreign influence. Nonalignment is a thing of the past because every country either has pro-American, pro-Russian, or pro-Chinese governments. America had a monopoly on this up until the last decade. Western-backed nations are going to want to be in that sphere of protection as well. Imagine you are a CIA-backed leader of a small country. You know Russia and China are going to have their efforts to replace you. So your mindset is to, however you can, get a protection agreement from the country who backs you. The same thing would be the logical step for a Russian backed leader.
Zelenski is acting along these lines, and I think he has a good point in doing so. NATO, especially America, likely told this guy they would back him military in a conflict with Russia. He’s retarded for believing it, but he’s also a comedian with little knowledge of geopolitics in the first place. He genuinely believed it and his over the top reaction is him saying “you guys put me here, either you help or I’m going to turn this place into a meat grinder and blame you.” Same thing would happen if NATO invaded Belarus and Putin said not my problem. The US has really fucked up here, by being involved in the first place and by over promising and going back on it.

That reminds of the extortion racket against the fight against the terrorism USA pushed on Europe, and they were like "but we don't really need to, there's no terrorism" suddenly the Europe had terrorists attacks. Now you know why, and how, and about "we fund your opposition" you disagree. It's all from money printing and endless supply for bribery.

NATO has always been a defensive pact it existed to counter the Warsaw pact which was the Soviets NATO. That collapsed when the CCCP went tits up. NATO was basically obsolete until about a month ago. Now that Germany is rearming it also has some real teeth now to.

Protection racket. Mafia style. You're doomed if you reject, you're doomed if you accept.

>NATO has always been a defensive pact
Tell that to Libya and Yugoslavia

(((Fuentes))) and the faggy people who love drama and pointless debates don't want to deal with some basic truths of politics.

I love how every Nicholas J Fuentes or America First post brings out every bot. Jidf. And tranny.

Do these posts hit your filters for manual interventions?

>If NATO is so bad, then how come everyone wants to join?
america soft coups their governments until they have one that wants to join
>If Russia is so good, then how come they have to invade every sovereign state that wants to leave?
see answer one but 'till they want to leave'

The reason why people like Nick Fuentes are able to gain popularity is because his movement doesn’t boil down to “let’s go back to the good ol’ days” as typical conservative movements do or “we need to remake 1930’s fascism” as typical far right movements do.
In order to capture an audience, you need to have a new way of thinking that is adapted for the period you’re living in that gives people hope in the future. Fascism was originally born out of a branch of Utopianism. Both Hitler and Mussolini gained popularity because those movements promised something new while restoring the fabric of society. It was a new idea that didn’t boil down to, specifically in Germany, “let’s bring the Kaiser back” like every Conservative party focused on.
A large part of AF’s popularity comes from their platform of doing away with what they call “boomer conservatism.” Unless someone else figures this out and puts forward a good movement that combines a picture of a new future that doesn’t rip the fabric of society apart and promotes a good, clean culture, Nick Fuentes will continue to rise in popularity.
