
Is your country a member of the international community?

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lol i hate that country

The only countries that matter

Thats not a country as such, more like a failed state.

you forgot the only one that matter lol

non-whites contribute nothing to this world

We basically created the international community

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Yes only white countries matter, shitskin

africa is cool because they still eat people and kill gays openly, wished we talked about that more

And never forget it

That's the entire world as far as I'm concerned.

how come the canadian arctic is excluded from the international community

That rat nest has already turned and will be sucking off the Chinese teat soon.

fuck everyone else
especially, fuck niggers

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Add Ukraine

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And now look at you. What have you done lately homo

The only ones that matter. The rest are shitskin containment zones.

Not a real country. Those borders aren’t even real

Should not exist.

we will always be relevant, doesn't matter who is at the top of it

This completely ignores the fact of most international votes which are in the wests' pocket too.

Most of Africa, Latin America and sizeable parts of asia are in the western sphere of influence still.

Immigration from non white countries into predominantly white countries keeps the population up which sustains the GDP. They fill positions that wouldn't be filled otherwise. If it weren't for them, the economy of predominantly white countries would suffer. I'm not saying this is the way it should be or that there weren't alternatives. There could have been incentives for whites to produce more children, and for women to stay home as mothers, but this is no longer the reality we live in. We have been socially engineered, and the status quo is sustained partly by non-white immigration.