Why dont you marry a trad girl from anatolian village?

why dont you marry a trad girl from anatolian village?

Attached: 3708289_obe75.jpg (640x799, 58.23K)

Give me one

imagine the smell

Because they are actually disgusting. They Whore Around Toronto at their "husbands" order.

because I'm an ugly fucking ogre that can't get close to a woman without risking going to jail because of just how menacing she thinks I like.

...I literally got called an "angry little man" yesterday at work by a customer. I never said anything rude or provocative to her, she just immediately thought of me as that and went with it.

Too much Greek admixture

Ok give me one then

I'm not converting to islam for a grab at a brown woman.

You mean troll not ogre, ogres are tall. I'm an Ogre.

Why does her eyes look so unsymmtrical. Like a story was written on that face.

whats wrong with her eyes? was she stoned for being a whore? looks like a dude btw

Trad girls don't marry outside their race/culture.

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Nobody wants to marry ugly turkish mutt girls. Give me an Iraqi.

Why is her eyes like that. Fucking wierding me out.

Her eyes are at raped o' clock for some reason. Raped so much that she stopped caring


Attached: 1qewfdscv.webm (540x960, 2.8M)

> anatolian
only 1% of your people is anatolian. all the rest are just regular arabs

Bro I know exactly how to fuck this girl's mouth

I'm actually 0.1% Anatolian :)
Why not? Because Greeks are gay.


or a goblin lol.

Did I forget to mention that I'm 5'10.
literally average height for a
non-mixed race american.


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That's a man.

Every woman is a whore.

Attached: Без названия.jpg (512x513, 99.06K)

because i want my kids to be the same ethnicity as i am

weird camera angel. it's a screenshot from amateur porn video. and no i will not share the link.

not since 1453

That is a raped o' clock fotoshop manface on a muslimgirl background. Thanks for this filth jannies.

Jannies. Just quit, go to reddit.

Based fact teller

Genuine question, how do you cope with that? I'd have a hard time leave home if that happened to me