It’s time for you to hear the truth, Any Forums

London pays $7.75 dollars per gallon.

While we’re at $4.00 dollars per gallon.

President Joe Biden had nothing to do with the gas prices increasing. You just want a excuse to be angry. Being angry because you enjoy being angry.

That’s the truth, Any Forums.

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Shutup faggot gas was cheap when trump was around

>President Joe Biden had nothing to do with the gas prices increasing.
Literally his fault. Cope.

the reason why are fuel prices are so high is because of the nato sanctions against russia

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>the reason why are fuel prices are so high is because of the nato sanctions against russia
and several pipeline closures
and the green new deal
and taxes
and the fact that the top diplomat in the USA torpedoed several trade agreements between Arab Gulf states in an attempt to erase Trump's "legacy"

he's really not tho

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>President Joe Biden had nothing to do with the gas prices increasing
But that's a flat-out lie; how could one even suggest that the official statements of the leader of one of the most powerful countries on earth couldn't affect markets?

The nigger put the sanctions on Russia telling our allies to stop buying also.
So their gas price went up also because of him.

Also gas prices were up before they used Putin as an excuse.

Fucking niggers every time.

He stopped domestic production of oil and halted the pipelines his FIRST DAY in office,you fucking muppet

And the Ukrainian conflict isn't making it any better

>But that's a flat-out lie; how could one even suggest that the official statements of the leader of one of the most powerful countries on earth couldn't affect markets?
Right? But Elon meme'ing on Twitter means the FEC needs to get involved?

I thought Kirsten Dunst was so cute as a kid, she hasn't become a junkie like almost all girls who grew up in Hollywood?

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I literally dont care about yuropoors. my gas is more expensive than it used to be, fuck you and fuck your retard president

It's really striking how weak the shill threads are getting. Literally no one who is already on the right is going to be fooled by this retarded bullshit.

>Literally no one who is already on the right is going to be fooled by this retarded bullshit.
and a lot of people who currently identify as left wing are getting frustrated with being constantly gaslit and having their intelligence insulted

In the UK the government charges a 100% levy on fuel.

That is whatever our actual cost is, it gets doubled. So that $7 or whatever is actually 3.50 before our cunt government scams us

And banning of fracking in UK, they're talking about unbanning atm to ease it

The truth is that Joe Biden sexually molested children on C-SPAN Live and some how is free of all consequences

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also truth

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The difference is that the USA has the ability to be completely gas independent and not export oil to the rest of the world and have gas prices that are completely stable, but Biden sabotages the oil industry and refuses to greenlight new drilling that would increase our output and hasn't done any useful legislation to prevent our oil from being exported when we need it here.

I guarantee you if Trump was president he would have already passed a bill saying that American oil won't be exported anymore till international prices settle down.

>The truth is that Joe Biden sexually molested children on C-SPAN Live
Imagine trying to push this because Trump was a rapist and was on Epstein's plane at pedo island

>also truth
LOL, no. Nobody under the age of 55 likes Reaganites or Neocons anymore.

>It’s time for you to hear the truth, Any Forums

Well we sure as shit aren't going to get it from pathological lying faggots on the left. You couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it. Seriously, you meet the clinical definition of pathological.

Gas is over $4.00/gallon because Joe Biden is President. Everyone knows this. you fucking lied about "muh russia" for 3 years, brought 2 fake as impeachments, and cheated in the election to install this senile faggot that has been taking bribes for decades to bring this about. you worked really hard for it.

Own it faggot.

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>Imagine trying to push this because Trump was a rapist and was on Epstein's plane at pedo island
nonsense, I have it on good authority from my progressive peers that Epstein Island is a far-right conspiracy theory invented to make Bill Clinton look bad.
You're not slipping one past me!

>shilling globohomo

NATO sanctions affect gas prices everywhere, not just in America

Rural Americans are idiots. Stop trying to reason with them.

OPEC and Russia were in a pricing war, which lowered gas prices globally. Trump took credit for it because rural Americans are idiots.

Gas prices increased globally due to the end of the pricing war and an increase in demand. Biden was blamed by the right wing media because rural Americans are idiots.

You wouldn't try to reason with a dog who is barking at you. You have to treat these people the same way, they are lesser beings.