Thoughts on The Rageaholic?

Thoughts on The Rageaholic?

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He sounds as if he has swallowed a thesaurus in every video. Zero real insight. His arguments are all descriptive rather than normative.

Noir Archive and Music Mythos are great series.

He should be a Rock radio station host, he has a skill he's not fully utilising

He is a good wordsmith

Cringe faggot tryhard who probably smells horrible like ass and urine. But I like how anti-commie he was in the one video I bothered to watch of his.

But his whole black metal rage guy act is so fucking gay since he's a ugly, greasy, gross looking little manlet thing.

Crossdresser who seems to have reformed. I liked his stuff about Michael Jackson, he knew a lot that I didn't.

I'm not sure he could handle anything without a script, maybe do a weekly recap on some radio show but taking callers would trip him up, i'm sure

I really like the star trek deep space nine reviews.

He is a good example of someone/something good wit ha terrible audience and I think he agrees wit that.
If you watch him livestream something the questions he gets asks are so insufferable and it's clear he doesn't wanna pay attention to them.
>Oh razorfist..w-who is your favorite founding father
>Oh razorfist..w-will X metal band get back together
>Oh razorfist I'm going to ask the most oscure nonsense question I can please think I'm cool and smart and pay attention to me

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Spot on hahahah. I bet he goes and looks for obscure words before every video

He is attractive, intelligent, charismatic and loves life...i wish i was just like him.

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Styxx but if he grew up in the desert and probably did harder drugs a few more times. Probably calls styxx, Cousin Styxx.

Is that you razorfist?

He is better looking than styx and more masculine

fucking retard

He's funny and talented, but his politics are just milquetoast libertarian/Trump stuff. I tend to listen to people like Keith Woods and Eric Striker more now

what's the skill?

Yeah this. I can't stand his fucking streams because his audience is a bunch of retards with softball questions. Which sucks because I like the guy.

he's cringe incarnate. he's the reason normies think metalheads are dweebs.

the problem is that he has midwit political opinions and attracts other midwits

Guys a fucking pussy, used to talk with him all the time, nearly collaborated on a video or two. But eventually he threw a fucking temper tantrum, like full on no billy you can't buy a chocolate bar at the checkout tier fucking meltdown in a discord when he was ranting about how women have almost zero reason to want representation in action movies, because they "historically don't matter to the medium". All I did was chime in and say "yeah, nobody gives a shit about the Aliens movies, Terminator 2, Kill Bill, The Matrix, Nikita, Those Resident Evil, or Underworld movies theres like 20 of those, Fury Road, or Crouching Tiger"

and then he started screeching like a fucking doug walker skit, ranted about how I was retarded, accused anyone else who disagreed with him of being trolls or "in on it" with me, demanded the mods ban me and like 10 other people from the discord, and made sure to scour all of us off all of his other social media, he even threatened to strike some other guys channel if he didn't give up a couple of the discord peoples twitters so he could block them on there too.

It was hilarious how much of a thin skinned faggot he turned out to be.

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