You can literally change any gas powered vehicle to electric with an electric vehicle conversion kit for 7000$ or less

You can literally change any gas powered vehicle to electric with an electric vehicle conversion kit for 7000$ or less

You’re all just lazy cumsoomers , lazy enough to never move forward , keep buying gasoline lol
When we literally have infinite energy through UV light lmao

Stay retarded , keep politicians wallets fat , keep buying the blood oil

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My car gets 20 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it. Enjoy recharging every poronkusema.

>live in Canada where it can get up to -50 in my area
>electric cars have been known to breakdown at those temperatures

Fuck you electric cars aren't the universal fix you wish us to believe they are

: )

>If you aren't consooming you are actually consooming
This one isn't quite ready yet, stick it back in the oven for a couple more hours

Dunning Kruger Thread

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Electric vehicles don't do well here. I always see people having trouble starting them and if you live in an apartment good luck finding a charger. This is coming from someone who has gone to solar panels already and they break quite easily and even my 2 backup generators are solar but I keep me vehicle gas powered because they never break down and are much more reliable. You are a nigger kneeling shill.

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>prairie nigger
you don't count

>When we literally have infinite energy through UV light lmao

I will make sure to unplug your cuckbox if I ever see it charging. Enjoy wasting hours of your day charging your retardwagon

Albertans are the only Canadians that count you dumb burgercunt

the sane solution is to convert all these existing gasoline engines to alcohol. the "kit" would be getting your head retooled for high compression, maybe convert for a widespread and more suitable set of injetors, work performed at your region's local machine shop, dont forget muh subsidies all stays local. any old brainlet can grow or source some starchy fermentable veg material, and either distill it themselves or if they refuse to get rid of the federal overreach on stills, have a newly authorized still trade it for finished ethanol/methanol. your precious solar power can feed the solar stills, and there will never be a better solution to the oilmonger question than this

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CO2 is natural.
crude oil is abiotic.
it's produced naturally in the mantle from pressure, water and carbon.
the only country that benefits from electric cars is china and their lithium industry.
fuck you OP, go suck more cocks somewhere else.

>infinite energy through UV light

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Still used instead of "yonder" to denote "A bit down the road" in your exclave.

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Nah, he's smart.

imagine driving 250miles and having to charge for 10 hours

imagine thinking solar is a viable solution

imagine thinking your individual pollution is signifigant enough to matter

what's the point when power is almost as expensive as gas.
I'd never recoup the cost for buying that kit, let alone having it installed

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Abiotic oil theory doesn't defeat peak oil theory

woah just 7k? As a poor uni student my car is worth like 600 usd lol...

Also things aren' this simple.

I like gas card tard

You have to plug you cars in anyways, why not just plug it in to keep the batteries warm?