Explain the Monke Putin meme to me. I don't get it

Explain the Monke Putin meme to me. I don't get it.

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Ukraine is banana and monke Putin want to snatch it


It's kind of cute and endearing to be honest. Just like the potato trump

ya ne punimayouuuu

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Monke is good. I love monkes

Ukraine shills can't meme.

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Yeah but why a Monkey and Banana

They salute him. Monke is good and banan is tasty

you dont have to get it

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Monke want banan.

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It’s from Downfall, Hitler sounds like he’s saying monkey at one point

putin is a rela alpha theyre just jelly

Pushed war propaganda.

High effort meme, spammed at the very beginning of the war plus not funny.


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Putin silly monke man
but also evil mastermind hitler who caused the hoholcaust

Putin is monkey and wants banana

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old Any Forums meme from like 5 years ago. people used to spam it to annoy the russian janny

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gotta give it to the glowies, they plan ahead

He jus wan banan

Putin monke has been on Any Forums for longer than you have you brown shitstain

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Putin is boss of the banana republic so he's the best monkey