Is being too smart dangerous to your well being? I used to go to a top university studying physics and engineering...

Is being too smart dangerous to your well being? I used to go to a top university studying physics and engineering. During my studies, I've come to master a certain mindset that has helped me solve almost any problem and easily absorb new information for something I know nothing about or completely unrelated to my fields. I can view things from a deep analytical lens, breaking down problems all the way to their subatomic interactions back to the macroscopic level of physics. I've noticed this mindset can carry over to unrelated things from playing strategy games, to programming and even finance. This has helped me excel beyond any of my classmates or coworkers. The drawback though is that you almost lose a human aspect of yourself because you become so good at looking at things analytically. It's not easy to just switch on or off because the more you have it on, the smarter your mind becomes. Things can lose their mystery though and I've realized it takes away what makes them special. I think the great geniuses of the past probably suffered from this too because being able to push the frontier of understanding of reality doesn't come at a cost. Personally, I've found it better for my own well being to suppress ones intelligence level, retain a sense of humanity and sometimes just let things be. Not sure if any other anons here can relate.

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I no longer think I'm the retard after reading this post. Thanks

This blog sucks

You have autism, friend

If you were good at discovering things you would know you’re too gay to post here

blah blah blah just tell me if you would marry a non-virgin then I'll see how smart you are.


What kind of non white Virgin are we talking about here?

You lost mystery to life?
Here, most ancient building are melted And buried in mud from a cataclysmic event. Find out why.

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>Is being too smart dangerous to your well being?
Obviously: you will eventually come to notice and understand patterns everywhere, especially in behaviours, you will be aware of sinchronicities and correlations, you will be aware and yet incapable to escape a world filled with automatons.

>Is being too smart dangerous to your well being?
Yes, if you tend to overthink trivial things. Otherwise it's incredibly useful

You didn’t even tell us how to get that mindset.

I understand you user.

So i've spent over 15 years paying strategy games, I can now out maneuver entire groups of NPC's without issue.

Play speed chess and get to Master's. I can 1v3 NPC's piss drunk on my favorite RTS and still roll them.

Here's a good set: Get 500 hours on a top tier RTS like StarCraft, and make sure you are playing against other people. Get good. Really good. You'll start to notice things in real life, your brain starts working differently. Then, get 500 hours on Doom (2016 because Eternal is dogshit). Keep going until you can do a UN run. Notice the demons you are shoot are actually far faster and better than most humans (though the best humans are better), they coordinate in groups and will swarm/chase you when you have low health. Once you get good, Doom is all about decision making.

Now you are used to winning in situations where you are massively out numbered, there is absolutely zero backup or assistance, you must manage your resources impeccably and a single mistake, no matter how innocent immediately places you in a nearly non recoverable position.

Call me a nerd or loser or whatever, but these games FORCE you to make extremely rapid and correct decisions, constantly, without resting. This is good for the mind. I would bet all available farms on the notion that great all great generals would have been very good at RTS games. I would love to sit around and drink vodka with some Russian generals and see what they've got lol. Best of three, mofos.

the proof that i’m smart is that i feel smart

I can relate, but I also cannot relate because my IP image ban doesn't let me post satirical images to compliment your own thread.

>I've found it better for my own well being to suppress ones intelligence level, retain a sense of humanity and sometimes just let things be. Not sure if any other anons here can relate.
The universe imposes this on me without my exertion of effort. Can you relate, OP?


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If you can't find something to do with your intelligence that gives you meaning and purpose then you will be unhappy. This is fundamentally why so many people north of 130iq suffer mental illness much more than people of lesser intelligence. Don't be autistic and figure out how to marshall your intelligence for things that matter and you'll be fine.

Lol. You ever nerdrage when the power went out?

can you teach me how to do this?

No. You have to perceive yourself as a piece of a whole. We need people that unfortunately shed human emotional qualities to be able to see and analyze for the rest of us. The issue lies in the idea that most people are too stupid to realize that the range of intelligence is necessary to progress, and that stifling potential prodigies in the name of equity causes our species to malfunction. Do not ever believe you're different in a bad way, that's normie equity bullshit that leads people like you to be angry, and bitter.


go home dad, youre drunk

I stopped regularly playing video games around 8 years ago and I feel a lot smarter


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