Is Israel Evil?!

are they really evil, bad j000s or is it Any Forumstard conspiracy theory?

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Built for BBC

god i wish my ass were that fat
and yes

Well, the USS Liberty incident was pretty evil.
As was Israel's support of the hollywood rapist Weinstein, and the fact that the whole Epstein child rape affair was an Israeli Op to blackmail people in power.
Atrocities against Palestinians.
Shipping of african migrants to European countries, Australia and Canada.
Sterilization of Ethiopian Jews.

etc. etc.

not this shit bait again

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squat and come here let me fuck it.

What the fuck

kikes are literal satanists. Once you come to terms with this the world makes sense.

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Without a doubt.

This is actually what happens when you suppress LGBT - they spread their numbers in secret and gradually become the majority. Most muslims are like this. Globohomo is actually a eugenics program.

I opened this thread because it had a photo of a lady on it. Anyone else?

they are pragmatist who uses their influence in western governments and media to push us towards actions that are bad for us
so yes, they are evil from a perspective of a white western male

no we are just g/o/d race

also they harbor jewish criminal who fled to israel to avoid justice
They are pretty much immune from prosecution there

every race thinks they are the god race.
without invoking your imaginary sky papa, why are jews superior?

>wants gay sex
There is no arab on the fucking planet that is straight.

Oh, hello fednigger. Don't forget to dilate. When you 42% yourself, livestream it.

They’re an ethnomafia who are manipulative like women and they worship money and lie about it every time they’re caught.

gay sex? lol i'm not gonna kiss him, just do some penetrating.

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Based straight man ass fucker

its the 2nd most evil entity in history after USA

USA is a puppet state of israel tho

but its where the most evil jews reside

That lard ass is going to need knee replacements by 30.

i do squat.

>tfw no khazar milkers gf

kill me now

All fields with this kike ugly yenta slide nonsense

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achivement and advancement-wise were superior, and the jews are evil shit is also a meme, majority of fellow jews i met were good people (or normal) though i dont know what happens in the government

How's the maple syrup urine disease going Chaim?

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Jews are backstabbing liars.

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>a meme

Sure thing NOSEferatu

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The only people who hate Jews are Arabs, blacks and mixed race Amerimutts who are clearly jealous of how the Jews are a community that look after each other, are pure raced and very intelligent and successful.

Next time you see somebody shilling against Jews remember that it's clearly not a white man behind the flag, and if it is, it's one of those low class white trash ones (who should be put down).

and memeflag heeb faggots trying to bump are pretty obvious

All fields

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Rollerino lads.

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sure thing rabbi

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mostly poltard incel varg tard conspiracy to divide us

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>the Jews are a community that look after each other, are pure raced and very intelligent and successful
and they use those qualities to fuck over white people for their own gain
as I said, from our point of view they are evil

Yes, Jews are evil.

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of course you would say that

Oh Fug!

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all fields you kike faggot

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Any Forumstard conspiracy, the real problem is traitors in high office. Take Lynden B Johnson for example, an Anglo who wanted to attack Egypt who conspired with Israel to attack one of our own ships the USS Liberty. Anglos ate the real fucking problem.

Some jews have made small contributions to science sure, but the largest contributions were arguably made by germanics.

Most jews i've met were horrible people but they were ashgaynazi jews. Perhaps your Israeli arab jews have better dispositions?

neanderthal = evil
and ure trying to prove were neanderthals or vampires??????????

There's absolutely nothing you can do to stop America from becoming Mexico 2.0. Your own conservatives and right wingers even shill for Jews and Israel (and race mixing). As America gets more progressive and mixed race, countries like Israel, Russia and Poland are closing up their borders and their youth are becoming a lot more conservative, unlike yours who are becoming trannies.

Go on, post another 20 pics of Jews you saved on your PC, that'll totally stop your country from browning LMAO.

нeгpы язык мoй aнyc

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did you just screenshot your own post you newfag IDF heeb faggot

Not man enough to strap on a free American weapons system and genocide tween mudslime girls in Jerusalem so they stuck you in the IDF computer room closet with the other bleeding yentas?

Mom must be soooo proud. You will never be a White. I bet you're one of those goblin looking ugly kikes.

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shush left wing degenerate shlomo

Ashgaynazi jews were not the original jews, so if they have a lot of neanderthal DNA, it probably came from european admixture...

good evening JIDF

yes, modern israel is evil

that's what my republican jewish ex told me

i took real good care of her, as you know

which bothers you

you posted a pic of a white european woman, not a jew, but maybe she's "jew-ish"- right?!

say hi to the team leader mohel

I can do great violence

Yeah but I'm kind of past caring, they've succeeded in being less degenerate than the people they've kiked. I hate muslims more.
>Hurr Jew
No, just no longer care