"OMG, this Ukraine Russian war is unprecedented since 1945"

Why do liberals say that? I mean here are worse conflicts since 1945 in Europe, why do liberals want to ignore history?

Greek civil war 1945 to 1949, close to 200,000 deaths
Invasion of Cyprus by Turkey
First Cod War between Iceland and the UK 1958 to 1961
Second Cod War between Europe and Iceland 1972
Armenian Azerbajian war
Yugoslav wars
Kosovo war
First and Second Chechen war
Georgian invasion of Russia
Abhakazian war
War of Dagestan
Transnistrian war


Attached: download.jpg (318x159, 5.52K)

I don't think it's a case of ignoring, I think it's a case of being unable to think for themselves anymore. Someday, I hope the irony of their views manages to catch up with them en masse...

Conservatives do not see race. They are worse than liberals. "What does race matter" we are one race da hooman race.

nobody cares about those shitholes
the cod wars where mostly banter
only real war was the Serbian stuff, and most of the zoomers on internet werent even born when that happened

It's not just libtards, most normies in general only talk about WW2 because of holocaust class.


>cod war
>portugal not involved
I call bullshit

they don't, you're retarded

Cod war? Like the fish? A war over a fishing industry for trash fish used to make processed fish sticks?

nobody gives a shit about ukraine. the only reason this shit is dominating the news is because our western propoganda machine has spent years villifying russia/putin is le evil bad mastermind spy. it's the same that's happening from the western perspective towards china. nobody gives a fuck about taiwan, or the chinese muslims. it's just propoganda that serves to drum up support for western/US imperialist interests against competing powers accross the globe (russia/china).

the west claims moral outrage at russia, but it's not moral outrage it's outrage against another power asserting global influence and imperialist interests, which is a threat to the USA.

note also just how fucking hypocritical this all is. ukrainian refugees are welcomed with open arms, syrian refugees are blocked and beaten at the fucking borders. claim to be outraged at the humanatarian crisis and yet 1 million children are about to starve to death in yemen and nobody gives a shit.

UK claims moral outrage then scurries round the world looking for more oil to buy from saudi arabia.

it's all just a fucking joke. nobody fucking cares about anything but power money and influence. helps the optics if the people being fucking blown apart are white looking and not dirty arabs or even worse - african (truly nobody cares about africans).

Remember when the US bombed the shit out afghanistan, iraq, caused up to 1 million civ deaths, increased global terrorism, directly caused the formation of DAESH and now the taliban is back in power in afghanistan? most evil fucking war criminal country in the world claiming moral outrage? it's a fucking joke.

watching these fucking US analysts comb through putins speech as if he's some mastermind of evil spewing propoganda and lies and HE MUST BE STOPPED. Nobody else remembers the LIE that was "weapons of mass destruction", the justification for carpet bombing an entire fucking country?


nasty little ZOG kike faggot

This is basically it. Deaths and destruction don’t matter if it’s not pertinent to our interests in global hegemony. The very second any country steps out of line or is even a remote threat to US dominance, they’re marked.

Dude you’re fucking retarded. The US is a blight on an international level because we’re willing to kill, destroy, or ignore atrocities and humanitarian disasters for power and influence.

They're close, this is unprecedented since Korea where two near peer forces faced off, the scale of equipment and speed of destruction on both sides is similar, why you see the GWOT vets shook that they can just be airstruck.
This is really the thinking of a child. It's what any empire must endure to maintain power. The USSR, UK, French and Rome all had to bend morals to maintain dominance.

It's funny how they often say something like it's the worst war since x in y area with z circumstances to both make it somewhat true and get that sweet headline. This way every war can be the worst since WWII.

Dont forget they had to take eyes off all the mandate protests and COVID

But that dominance no longer benefits it's people, it's eroding you. How does it make sense that you cunts are worse off than we are with a population of 26 million at the ass end of Asia?


NATO=Neo Nazis

Late stage imperial empires serve their entrenched elites, not the people. Libtards who support the CURRENT THING are truly lost because they cannot see this basic fact

US interests in ukraine are the interests of the billionaire class, nobody working an honest job is affected by le evil bad russian man's antics whatsoever (but they are affected by the skyrocketing gas prices and inflation caused by elite filth squabbling on the global stage)

>Second Cod War between Europe and Iceland 1972
Ok, I wanna learn more about this.

A German fisherman was hurt in the second cod war

>First Cod War between Iceland and the UK 1958 to 1961
No casualties
>Second Cod War between Europe and Iceland 1972
1 killed and a few wounded
No surprise no one remembers them.