Franco is legit one of the most based people in history

Unlike Hitler and Mussolini, Franco won the war and stayed in power! why doesn't this board show more love to this gigachad?

Attached: fags read this.jpg (2002x2669, 1.09M)

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Because he didn't want to kill jews.

Sure, bump. I hope you change hearts and minds but please do elaborate further on your position.

that fucker never stopped francophile/anglophile liberal freemasonic elites to take power after he passed away

Okay fair enough.

Neither did Hitler, there was no official order to exterminate them and he went through great lengths to move them to the Holy Land. I'd honestly rather see Jerusalem in the hands of muslims than jews.

Hitler said he'd rather have his teeth pulled than work with him again. Said he'd support the non-Bolshevik Revolutionaries over the Jesuit State and its puppet Franco.

Attached: Hitler-Quote-Homosexuality-848583.jpg (2048x2048, 462.96K)

He is a nigger, Spanish people aren't white for fucks sake.

Well, he was sympathetic to the Nazi's anti-semitism and created the archivo judaico in order to identify all the jews living in Spain

Franco was ok. Leagues better than his opposition. After reading Stanley Payne’s “The Spanish Civil War” I can appreciate how much of a military success his counter revolution was. As far as ideology though he was rather unimpressive.

Look at Spain now. His victory was worthless

in war, in battle, but somehow i find the time to shitpost every day

Yes he is, when Hitler wanted to start the war Franco warned him that even if he did indeed manage to cross the channel the English would continue to fight from Canada forcing the US to join the war - but only after Germany was showing signs of being overstretched and depleted. Guy was a General proper, Sun tzu level, this is why he managed to remain in power. + He did it for his country not his go. He put his King back in power. A true General.

Any spaniards wanna redpill me on Franco? How did he manage to stay in power as a fascist for so long after WW2? I don't think I've really heard much about him during history class except for the spanish civil war part (which was used to just explain Hitler).

He didn't pick a fight with the entire world
Powers are more than happy to let fascism exist when it doesn't threaten their own territory.

He cucked to the US hard after WW2 and liberalized the economy.
Think of Saudi Arabia, a "bad guy" country supported by the US.

Not a spaniard here but close enough so hear me out.
Being officially non-belligerent during most of the war (although obviously more pro-axis) and jumping off the boat when it became clear to the based general which one was the losing side, plus the cult of personality he'd already established by btfoing the commies in the civil war and then the referendum of '47 (Ley de Sucesión en la Jefatura del Estado) where the Spanish state became a monarchy making him the Head of State for fooking loife, the chad got himself a comfy reign.
And the fact that the avg spaniard got to live more comfortably than they did under the socialist republicans helped.

>killed literally everyone that could be a problem as soon as he could (even before the Civil War)
>remained neutral during WW2
>purged the public administration and greatly enhanced the standard of living of the government workers that remained
>kept killing and torturing dissidents in the shadows
>a good deal of Christian propaganda here and there
>relaxed a bit with the killing in the 60's since it seemed bad for the incipient tourism bussiness
>planed every detail of La Transición ("the transition") in the 70's to give power to a bunch of puppets

he only had one ball, but it seems that it was more than enough to rule every corner of this shithole

Attached: a3MVq1kj_700w_0.jpg (700x467, 87.01K)

hey neighbor are they still screeching over franco's stolen babies? I swear to god our MSM wouldn't shut up about muh lost children of Francoism 10y ago

>why doesn't this board show more love to this gigachad?

Because is full of angloids cocksuckers who hate spain.

Didn’t stop them after death, only while he was alive, that blame falls on you and your parents

nah, that was just a fad on tabloids a quite a few years ago
most zoomers probably never even heard about it

> why doesn't this board show more love to this gigachad?
Because when his fascist allies needed him, he stayed comfy in Spain while millions of his brothers were dying on the battlefield in the most pivotal war in history.

Just right before the coof the subject kept being brought back even outside iberia e.g.

He had a country to rebuild after a pyrrhic civil war, burger. But he was still willing but they always had disagreements like when they met in the Hendaye
>the Spaniard demands appeared extortionate to Hitler
>the handing over of Gibraltar once the British were defeated; the cession of French Morocco and part of French Algeria; the attachment of French Cameroon to the Spanish colony of Guinea; and German supplies of food, petrol and arms to relieve the critical economic and military situation faced by Spain after the Spanish Civil War
>Hitler, for instance, was paramount in not disturbing his relations with the Vichy French.
>Eventually they came to an agreement under which Franco was committed to entering the war at a date of his own choosing, with Hitler giving him only vague guarantees that Spain would receive some "territories in Africa".
Both sides wouldn't budge; both are to blame.

I know, but that's the "delayed" outrage outside our borders, wich personally I attribute to the spread the case among Instagram

meanwhile, here, the stolen babies are soooo 2010's
the controversy wasn't even debated by government, they just condemned it publicly a few times and then it became old news

also, judges are still today dodging that shit like crazy
if you can read Spanish you can understand the "nobody cares" here (be advised, extreme-left butthurt newspaper):