Convince me of why I should (or shouldn't) date Asian girls as a tall white male with blond hair and blue eyes

Convince me of why I should (or shouldn't) date Asian girls as a tall white male with blond hair and blue eyes.

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Those creamy milky rice tits.

Because they are fucking ugly without make up

No, fuck you. Sage.

like soft pillows

You need to go back to Europe Sven

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Hitler would disapprove.

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because you're a chink using a vpn.

you should do it, but only in asia.
Keep the chinkoids iin chinkland

I’m 4% Irish should I kill myself

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Who gives a fuck? Why do you need validation from strangers about who you breed with? The aryan race is doomed what you do has no importance whatsoever. Kys.

>tall white male with blond hair and blue eyes
keep larping Dr. Shekelstein, I still won't race mix.

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if you had daughters they wouldn't be blonde or blue eyed now would they?
that wouldn't be very fair to the rest of us now would it?

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Honestly this. If you have the yellow fever and MUST COOM then do it there, bonus points for bleaching them. Sad for the happa kids but what you gonna do?

if they're full asian then they need makeup to be attractive, happa females can be naturallg attractive though if they got a good roll on the genetic lottery.

It's great
The problems arise when you start having kids.

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There's no good reason not to.
They're objectively superior to white women in 2022.
More trad, more hardworking and focused on what matters (financial stability, honoring parents and grandparents, making their husband happy, raising kids not to be losers, national pride) than whites (whose focuses are forcing others to keep their self-esteem high through censorship and erosion of standards, pandering to trannies and virtue signaling)

1. Women in your photo don't leave their country
2. Thinking they'll date a broke ass for any reason is copeland

White women look better

No he wouldn't.

Not true unless youre talking about japan.

Your kids will look like gooks.

Hitler never married or had any children. If he fucked anyone, it was his cousin. The people he helped get laid the most were Russian mongol hordes.
Why should anyone follow his romantic advice or example?

Third girl is still attractive. First two look like dolls with or without their hair back.

If I still thought that there was any hope of saving the White race, I would call you a race traitor for fleeing to Asia and fornicating with their women. With the preservation of our race off the table, there is really no reason whatsoever to interact with White women, and there is certainly no reason to feel any sort of loyalty to them.

Your children would be hideous? And then you would have to deal with your own kids committing sudoku?

6 in the first clip
5 in the last clip

Convince me of why it matters?

Oh that is right man seeks approval in all the wrong places. On top of that sets out to make others fall

They'll treat u as trophy bf/husband. So dun get too involve. Just pump and dump.

The one bitch was so ugly that the chink ray gun completely erased her.

their pussies are insanely tight. tighter than a jew's wallet. tighter than a cool wine aunt's asshole. so fucking tight that if you jam it in all the way, the resulting blood displacement will make your fucking eyes pop out of your asshole.

Yep. Precisely this.

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Many comments, good!

More information:
- I shall be living in Japan in the near future (for my job)
- I have no particular attraction to Asian girls (yellow fever immune)
- I still need to date because I am not asexual
- I don't want to have children
Bonus info:
- I've been trying to condition myself into finding Asian girls attractive by immersion (moderate success)

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Disregard the Chinese gooks, embrace the spirit of Tengri!

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How is that a bad thing?

god damn

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You should op. But be forewarned that in Asia, ladies who show that much cleavage are either unbelievably promiscuous or literal whores. Wrap up your little jarl well, kompis.

You should do whatever you can to find happiness in this world. If you find a pretty asian girl that brings you joy, keep her around as long as that remains true. Don't let a bunch of anons hold you back, don't let anything ever hold you back.

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They'll strip you of all your money, have zero hobbies besides shopping, don't give a shit about your personal well-being, you have to eat Chinese food every weekend, you will never be part of her family, and she'll make sure it stays that way.

pretty much all women but a select few are like this

These are pro user, enjoy your 1000$ drinks

Convince me of X threads needs to be against the rules

“tall white male with blond hair and blue eyes” = short Somalian immigrant with green teeth

I think doth thou protest too much. Just own it and stop being such an drama fairy about it

>asking Any Forums how you should live your own life


If you need someone else's opinion on your dating life than you deserve whatever you get.

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