Modern women dont do themselves any favours but has porn also helped ruin men's expectations

modern women dont do themselves any favours but has porn also helped ruin men's expectations

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stop blaming the jews retard

porn makes men expect retarded things from women
and I'm not talking about bolt ons, but things like anal and worse. It was a freak fetish back in the day, now it gets normalized even though it endangers woman's health

are you asking a question or making a statement

because yes, porn has ruined men's expectations, it's called "porn standards"

why would you say that

Where's the porn of women cooking and cleaning?

Modern women are detestable sluts

you lost me between these

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I think that's what slice of life anime is

I'm seeing a whore today. Whores are great.

Wives of Bangkok.

Absolutely. No wonder no woman wants a relationship anymore, as they are expected to be fucked deep into their assholes and their throats once a week so that they bleed and get hemorrhoids and cancer too young. That is why so many of them turn into lesbians or try to make money by ethotting. After all, as they do not have any boyfriends, they will be social outcasts (as no one wants to be a friend with a woman who has no relationships) who can't post about their friends on their social media page, as a result of which they do not get any following except horny incels (because no one wants to follow a loser with no friends), as a result of which no one hires them (as no one wants to hire a loser with no proper following). So they need to ethot or become lesbians.

>porn shows women being fucked deep into their assholes and their throats among other painful things
>men demand to be able to do those things to their women in their relationships
>women do not want to have relationships anymore except with other women
>majority of men wither alone becoming angry
>mass murders happen

She look just like every other insta thot.
Generic mystery meat bimbo.

Jews run the porn industry
You are being very anti-semitic rn fr fr no cap

That is really my expectations

Were that pole in that Any Forums women thread?
Your writing style is quite familiar.

>but has porn also helped ruin men's expectations
My expectation is a virgin.

blahblahblah women have the best standard of life in the West and all you want to do is tear men down and be whores

8/10. Fake eyelashes are -2 points.

I miss that French nibba who used to draw himself in the booba whenever photos of sloots were posted.

Porn has broken people's minds and spirits sure. Men are pretty much all addicted to it. I don't really blame them. It's terrible aweful garbage, but it's so overly sexual it's the most powerful drug on earth, and it's distributed gratis (not free as in libre of course because it is a tool of enslavement).
Maybe it ruined female's expectations because women are fricking disgusting mostly.
But I posit it did not ruin male's expectations, male brains are so daft they think they can both r-select and k-select and not have reprecussions. Male's expectations are not really sexual, they remain the same, a cute wife that they can love and put babies in, but of course every man has a coomer inside, and so the coomer clings to the porn, but the two needs rarely make a strong connection with each other, a male usually knows the line, even if he can't help but coooom.
No, what ruined male expectations (white male expectations) were things like anime, romantic shipping, and my little pony. Males see this emotionally charged perfect image of a woman's ideal personality and they think that somewhere out there is their perfect uwu waifu and they just have to coom to bide the time until they find them.
Thank you for cooming to my TedTalk

this sounds like a cope by shallow women who have very little to offer