On the top is cash receipt I got for buying vodka 10 days ago

On the top is cash receipt I got for buying vodka 10 days ago.
On the bottom is today's.
Looks smaller, right?
WE ON THE SHORTAGE OF THE FUCKING PAPER and it's not a joke hindustannewshub.com/russia-ukraine-news/the-federal-tax-service-will-not-fine-businesses-for-not-issuing-a-check-the-moscow-times/

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Better stock up on tp, or do you guys even wipe? You seem to smell like shit anyways.

Watch as a flood of westoids pretend to have the remotest idea of what this means

some things never change

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Yet another thing the west flexes on commies.

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You do realize paper production counters global warming, right? She is likely in support of using paper.

Pretty good. You wouldn't need such a big piece of paper anyway.

in my country we're moving to optional paper receipts, the rest will be digital

no eco terrorist supports paper, only controlled extinction events.

Literally all of them support paper.

$4 usd for bottle of vodka.

kek i have to pay $30 usd. obviously a big difference though from the depreciation of the russian ruble

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is it a comfy town? you have some winter sports there, right?

For what purpose? Isn’t it better to not use the paper at all?

No, it's better to use paper.

But why?

Unless you've got a shizo rant you want to explain, literally no.

Pulls carbon out of the atmosphere. The fact that you don't know this is hilariously pathetic. Are you underage? Skip school?

Paper causes more greenhouse gas emissions than plastic.

It's not. Actually I bought some cheap vine.
Vine is cheaper in Europe than here.

Paper, or more broadly biopolymers are a renewable alternative to plastics.

that's the debunked position against environmentalists you retard, not what they espouse.

It's not just paper. Try putting a lighter to it

jesus fucking christ, you drank 4 litres in 10 days?

That's completely accepted amongst all environmentalists. It's common knowledge.