Isn’t anyone else completely fucking spooked by the level of control the globalist corporate cartel state has over...

Isn’t anyone else completely fucking spooked by the level of control the globalist corporate cartel state has over people’s thoughts and behaviors?
I am not so much disturbed by the fact that people wanted a vaccine, or that people wanted to wear masks, or that people are showing their support for Ukraine.
What really scares me is how easily and quickly they were convinced of these things.
It makes you feel like you’re a detached spectator of some other world.
I KNOW you don’t know what’s going on in Ukraine. You cannot possibly know. Any Forums doesn’t even know what exactly is happening in Ukraine and it’s filled with a bunch of people who obsessively research current events as a full-time hobby.
When you see normies outside or on social media with Ukrainian flags, there are only really two possible explanations for the vast majority it them:

A) they are insincere and just doing it to project an image of themselves as “empathetic” or whatever for social credit points

B) They are indeed sincere, and have become passionately invested in something about which they know almost nothing.

A is obviously sociopathic and so it is a small minority of people. B then is the vast majority of people.
This is what worries me. They can be sent into a totally irrational state, frothing at the mouth, without even stepping back to consider what they are jumping headfirst into.
This month it’s a war thousands of miles away in a country they know next to nothing about.

What happens when the focus of their “passion” is you or me? If they collectively decide that YOU are the enemy instead of the Russians (who they are already persecuting all over the place), what are you going to do? They’re not going to stop and have a discussion with you to find out if you’re actually the person they’ve decided you are?

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>If they collectively decide that YOU are the enemy instead of the Russians
I saw that move coming 15 years ago, it's why I use a shell identity

>hello Satan

No, I knew about brainwashing since I was young
Kill yourself cancerous tourist

Take the old school leftist pill for once and realize that the elites and the powers that be only want to further divide and control people.
You need to realize there is a class system, and once the ruling class starts to divide the other classes into sub classes things get messy.

We need more of a politically conscious working class.

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I already realised I have more in common with old school lefties than modern right wing. Why the fuck is everyone listening to the TV so much!?!?!

Nothing to worry about OP unless of course your a NAZI? your not a NAZI are you OP.

Ever notice how words and phrases can slowly shift in meaning over time. normies are going to wake up one day very soon and find out that they support hitler and white supremacy...

oh what fun we'll have on that day OP...

checked and bumped for effortpost thread

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Yes and the only friend I have to talk to doesn’t give a shjt

Well you now know this so take advantage of their gullibility, play on their emotions to get them on your side. You can never have enough stupid, gullible connections to help you out.

hang in there user. we know the feeling. it will be awhile but i do believe it will get better...or you die, which was always going to happen eventually anyway...

worrying is for fags

if normies want to throwdown with the redpilled then i speak for all of us when i saw our official position is: fuck around and find out.

also...nice digits OP

I keep thinking the same thing. The only option since there will be no revolution is to eventually leave the big cities, become more self suficient and isolated from society. At least it's the way I see it.

Same here. Brotherhood among men is dead, that's the worst part for me.

>Why the fuck is everyone listening to the TV so much!?!?!

Because that's all those in power know how to control the best, they didn't grow with the internet, they grew with TV and newspapers.

So what do they do? Grasp at old school divide tactics. And censor the new normal, the internet.

I'm fucking incredibly disturbed by how eagerly people took to fucking masks and clown juice injections. Fucking boggles my mind.

>If they collectively decide that YOU are the enemy
you know what will happen user

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>The only option since there will be no revolution is to eventually leave the big cities

on a long enough timeline what your proposing is to their advantage...We will literally have killer robot super soldiers in a matter 4 or 5 years tops, they are building these right now. see the latest in boston dynamics atlas robots. At some point, they'll just give release the T1's and tell them to kill everyone outside the cities. With a sufficient amount of information control, the people in the cities might not even know about it...

People will do what they think they're supposed to. Historically that was revealed to them via role models, but those are dead now. It's just consortiums of "experts" that always know best, even when they don't.
There's few outliers. They're generally quarantined to places like this, because of the nature of social media and how social pressure is wielded as a weapon to attack the livelihood of any dissenters.

I was thinking about National Bolshevism the other day. It does have merits. I read a long and detailed book on the Russian revolution and Lenin was really a complicated figure. Trotsky was a dirty, vile creature but Lenin’s philosophy is not nearly as easy to dismiss

Yep. I'm still stunned by how limp, spineless and compliant people are.

yes the scariest fact is this power over the masses is only going to grow exponentially as long as the power structure stays this way

There should be an unambiguous single-syllable word for this, yet there is none. We need to start making new terms for the shit that we see so clearly.

Look at your digits. They are deceived, and genuinely need the help and guidance of Christ.

They don't want to lose what little they have, but through capitulation they already did.
It's sad, really.

Well, shit, if Satan is the only one that questions this.... Then I just don't know.

>in b4 leftists claim Jesus would support Ukraine, and would want Putin assassinated

Vault 7

guess the best option is just to place your bet, make a profit and fuck off.
what a shallow reality eh brothers.

project blue beans

That's right. The system provides. They are happy to pretend what ever they have to pretend as long as they get paid whatever it is they get paid.

Something like that.

a word for the golem or a word for the structure in place to keep the golem plugged into the matrix so to speak?

Casual reminder that if the Left, Establishment, Elites, globalists, reddit, George Soros, World Economic Forum, Big Tech, Democrats, NeoCons, PedoWood, Rothschilds, Military Industrial Complex, EU, corporations, UN, normies, Nato, and every other tentacle face and vein of the NWO that controls OUR Western countries; all side with Ukraine and demand you step in line

Then I know what the truth really is

Simple as, and all the raiders and shills can dilate!

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if that's your idea of the best option yes that's quite a shallow reality, brother

>passionately invested in something about which they know almost nothing.
normal people with normal brains have a negative reaction to the flood of gore and want it to stop, normal people don't really care about wearing masks, normal people don't really care about vaccines considering they were pumped full of them when they were a kid and antivaxxers back then were considered as complete and utter clowns.

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Don't forget fucking Switzerland. Switzerland that remained neutral in every other world conflict, in the past.

The part that really gets me, is how people celebrate their shackles.

nothing new since propaganda was invented as a science

Unironically we are the greatest threat to the Left, Establishment, Elites, and NWO

Feels good : )

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>Any Forums doesn’t even know what exactly is happening in Ukraine and it’s filled with a bunch of people who obsessively research current events as a full-time hobby.
objectively correct. pol called the whole coronavirus thing way before feb 2019 and yet "we" don't know shit about the ukrainian jew or the russian jew.
>b is the vast majority of people because there aren't that many braindead sociopaths
oh you poor innocent thing... you have no idea, do you? most people aren't people, they're zombies friend. They have no thoughts or emotions, they can't predict, they can't plan, they can't dream, they do not see in their heads, they do not hear in their heads. They are comparable to lizards or ants, they are not comparable to dogs, humans, or horses...

yes and you don't know what you don't know. The tech to literally control minds is being unraveled and we are within the last generations who will experience true freedom of thought, or "cognitive liberty"

Modern leftism rejects class reductionism
Anarcho syndicalism or bust

Trotsky was taken advantage of.
His works are all over the place and need to be taken within the context of the time. For example is his idea of complete control and dominance, and a tendency to control language. Which can be taken way out of context.
He was referring mostly to how the capitalist class was the main problem, to the point everyday society was subordinated to the will of the capitalists, and a complete tear down and rebuild was needed.
Lenin was a lot better at explaining things. Hence why he was the better public speaker.

maybe there will be a better option. not some sort of new tech in the future that will change the game.

Modern left are caught up in identity politics. Even Malcolm X called out such bullshit.

First of all, holy checked all mighty
>B) They are indeed sincere, and have become passionately invested in something about which they know almost nothing.

There is another step to this that I think is important.
1. We actually don't even know how many people are this fired up about Ukraine, because a large part of what we see as this support for Ukraine is fed to us through the Television/internet as well.
There could be plenty of people out there on the fence, or only dispassionately in support, and we wouldn't know, because part of being able to lie about the war to motivate people and drum up support, is to focus on the support that you do get from people, and act as if it's the majority.

Because that makes the information seem more plausible, and your rhetoric more powerful.
If the average person was on the fence,
but they feel as if the majority of people are supporting Ukraine,
they are more likely to support Ukraine as a baseline,
because they are attempting to outsource their decision making.

This is normally a GOOD thing for humanity to do- that's what prevents us from collectively doing stupid as shit.
The only real reason it's NOT good, is because it's being specifically taken advantage of by the MSM, by social engineers who understand how it works, and manipulate it to control more people.

So, in other words, it might not be as many people as you think, and those that are on board, might honestly be doing the best they can. That's scary

>What happens when the focus of their “passion” is you or me?

Makes you wonder, right?
We are witnessing "Nazi germany" (theoretically) again right before our eyes, as they collectively come for one group of people at a time, silencing them and destroying them with malice.

It makes you wonder if the "nazi's" actually did any of that at all? Or was it the NWO of that time period?

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Don’t play coy with me Satan. You know exactly what they’re going to do.

The pandemic knee jerk was sort of understandable, but January 6th and Ukraine really demonstrated how sick and degenerate (not just morally) people are today. It feels like our entire civilization is teetering on the brink of collapse because 90%+ of our population—including the elites—could go completely psycho if the circumstances are just right. I know I'm not very socially adept and often miss social cues, but people have gotten so weird that even I'm seeing something's wrong with them

Is this how people felt during Weimar Germany or the fall of the Roman empire?

Attached: BLM Protest during Covid ''Pandemic'.webm (640x352, 1.72M)

>I know I'm not very socially adept and often miss social cues, but people have gotten so weird that even I'm seeing something's wrong with them
Same boat here, usually it's just me but now it's usually clearly not just me.

Listen, Satan, I do not consent.
I do not consent to what the WEF is doing to the world.
I do not consent to the Great Reset.
I do not consent to what the satanists and moloch worshippers are doing to humanity and the world.

Remember people, silence is consent and evil has to ask permission. Think of Vampires and how they need permission to enter your home. You must say and write every day that you do not consent to what the evil is doing right now.

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A word that describes the essence which animates the golem, so to speak. Preferably a verb

Gaslighting is one of the Left, Establishment, Elites, NWO 's favorite trick

I've recently seen shills here saying Globohomo is just the new Qanon. Imagine how pathetic that is

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>We are witnessing "Nazi germany" (theoretically) again right before our eyes, as they collectively come for one group of people at a time, silencing them and destroying them with malice.

I had the same thought after watching completely hysterical, foaming at the mouth rabid hatred of Russia a few weeks ago, along with the sudden support for a country most people can't even point to on a map.

It feels like what our history teachers told us Nazi Germany was like during Kristellnacht and the Holocaust.