Let's take a look at the current mental state of the Hive Mind 80%


How long can these people live like this? Jacked into the Hive Mind and living off an electronic diet of fear and anger and vicarious cruelty? This can't be healthy for a person.

Attached: Hive Mind Break Down.png (634x600, 404.34K)

They are not people, they do not live, they obey. They only exist to enforce the narrative.

This summer is going to be insane

this has nothing to do with the elite class

Attached: twitter.png (475x475, 213.68K)

It’s going down this summer, everywhere.



Into the summer of madness.

Attached: The Great Old Ones Return.png (610x840, 161.95K)

Attached: Screenshot-2021-07-01-at-01.01.21.png (769x442, 602.83K)

angry little jew boy

They're not my fucking friends - let them all implode. It'll be good for a laugh.

There’s no way this guy wasn’t a jew

yeah i was getting midget trumpet jew vibes.

>that nose is suspect

Attached: 7284B8CA-294F-4DF5-BAEC-FAC67E1F2043.jpg (382x1024, 70K)

it's easier to just pepper spray these people and walk away scott free. as a bonus he'll be unable to wear the mask soaked in capsicum.

Ah yes a whole bunch of doing nothing that worked last year and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that…

Attached: 4D7D173A-68AE-4BC9-BBEA-047DD108FA70.png (459x398, 379.59K)

>coming to a theater near you
>the blockbuster hit of the summer
>Covid 2: Lockdown boogaloo

I'd beat the shit out of him. He's crying out for it.

LOL. That was satisfying.

Attached: 902.jpg (1000x800, 57.3K)

CDC says anger outbursts are associated with sudden heart attacks.