“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted...

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
― George Orwell, 1984


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>first man in space
i think they meant 'first insect in space'

fpbp checked

He got killed because of Russian stupidity


Greatness should always be recognized and definitely never erased. This kind of shit is how the human race fails.

Based and fuck Russians

So they are hanging an entire races history because of a current government.

Makes you wonder how many other times history has been altered

Im so fucking sick of the West. Fuck you faggots

Nothing you'll do in your life will have a 1/10th of the impact that what Gagarin did

Women do shit like this

The west has become a “civilization” of women
It’s fucking embarrassing

This bothers me more than anything

Jesus fucking Christ.

This whole time. The whole media, the whole western elite. They were just rabid anti-russian racists this whole time weren't they?

why dont you hate slavniggers
kinda weird dude

Nigga they are destroying the entire western civilization because of a corton plantation in america

1984. An instruction manual for our globalist masters.

And it's Tereshkova on the photo

>if we erase history, we win

Good Russians are based Drunk Idiots. Americans spent billions of dollars producing a drink they could take in space called Tang. Russians just took Vodka with them.

>the space foundation
Oh no some random retards are doing something retarded

>lets strip this guy of his honors, ban russian cats, ban russian retards from special olympics and so on because we're the good guys
This gets more comical by the day.

Z predicted this

Its crazy that even during the cold war, US still admited the russians made it to space first, now people just announce that it no longer happened and its accepted.

There he is.

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We can't even accurately know the number of kikes who died in WW2, just 80 years ago. And people expect us to believe the history books when it comes to 1000+ years ago?

wow this latest bold move will surely end the war !!11!!

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Space isn't real and the rewriting of history and falsification of reality goes back to the beginning of humanity.

well they're anti-white and rabidly anti-russian

A Russian could discover the cure to cancer today and we'd never know about it because of the (((agenda))).

>The whole media, the whole western elite. They were just rabid anti-russian racists
Jews probably hate russians more than germans desu.

Do you even even proof that guy went to space or is it not possible that the party was lying about Yuri gagarin's accomplishment in a our history books

The cold war was fake

take your you tedious meds faggot

Use of alcoholic beverages on the space crafts is prohibited.

fuck off

Taк и хoчeтcя eмy cкaзaть, чтo мы вce пpoeбaли

says the virtual apex predator


Americans are so pathetic it's not even funny anymore.


Bullshit, he wasn't "stripped" of anything, fuckers at spacefoundation thought it was smart to rename a fundraiser "Yuri's night" to something else. Not good, but OP is fake and gay


Why even have him in the record books if he was Soviet during the cold wat?

Good catch
Yes they are gaining support for revising history.
>Russia never existed

Why are Americans like this?

Absolutely disgusting shit that we used to criticize others of doing.

Yeah this is nonsense. I can’t support this horseshit.

I hate the antichrist

this guy is a hohol tho. I'll kek if they strip him too

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russians arent insects. a real user knows that the chinks are the bugs. you are clearly a shill.

This confirms by which the ease they do this.

>stripped of his honours
like what? Does this mean he is no longer recognized as the first man in space, or does this mean they took away his shiny medals?
>censored his name
on what?

stupid political bullshit regardless, assuming the tweet isn't itself utter bullshit


This is absolutely retarded. cats, salad dressing and composers all being purged. this is like the freedom fries bullshit but taken to a new level of stupidity

This is based, commies on suicide watch.

They can't strip him of his courage and the glory he earned. Fuck their gay honours.

>every picture has been repainted

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it happened during the height of the cold war in the first place

so many gaylord ukraine shills

The US was feeding the USSR and propping up their regime during the entire "war", take off your meme flag and fuck off back to plebbit where you can circle jerk over how well you know "history."


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Yuri Gagari was a black women, and if you disagree then you can go be cancelled. Tired of this racism.

I hate to say 1984 but pretty much 1984.

This Rusophobic shit started years ago, fun fact Pluto was descovered by a Russian. Now you know why they pretend its not a planet.

Can't wait to learn about the crippled tranny nigger dyke who was the real first Cosmonaut in space.

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Didn't even land in the craft so he's not the first man in space.

They try to erase a man’s history over something today that has nothing to do with him? They’re on the good side though, right?

>Russian stupidity
Of course, the resident RETARD in this thread rolls double trips.

You need them too apparently, because your efficacy of thought is non-existent.

Please explain how the actions of a few somehow translate into the culpability of an entire Nation.

>first man in space
The record was already falsified lol

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thanks, user

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You fucking retard.
That just means that it's easier for them to do it to any one who isn't Yuri Gagarin or MORE well known.

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Is America trying to outchicoms the chicoms? This is some gommieshit.

>"Facebook Allows Praise of Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion"
nazis are freedom fighters now. heil hitler. we wouldn't be in the mess if he'd beaten the russians.

>Please explain how the actions of a few somehow translate into the culpability of an entire Nation.
I can't but I can say that the entire nation always suffers due to the actions of a few.

The crippled tranny nigger dyke of kyiv you putinbot!

We know because the Soviet’s enemy, the US government, admitted it happened at the time.

sorry pal but yeah you're not the 1st man in space anymore. Guion Bluford will be honored as 1st unprivileged human in space. yeah sorry Yuri it didn't happen, nope it didn't happen.

Imagine torturing an Amerimuty to death. Imagine pulling his teeth out with a pair of pliers. Imagine breaking his fingers. Imagine getting a dull knife and slowly taking pieces of his skin off. Imagine throwing salt on the exposed bloody tissue. Imagine burning his dick off just with a zippo lighter. Imagine keeping him alive for as long as possible. Imagine breaking his shin bones with a chisel and a mallet. Imagine pouring acid in his eyes. Imagine cutting his nose off. Imagine smashing a glass bottle on his face. Imagine slowly pulling his arms off with a rope. Imagine hammering nails into his ears. Imagine just letting him slowly die, every now and then coming and giving him a kick to hear him scream.

The three criteria of the IAU for a full-sized planet are:
>It is in orbit around the Sun.
>It has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape).
> It has “cleared the neighborhood” around its orbit.
There are no other bodies of comparable size other than its own satellites or those otherwise under its gravitational influence, in its vicinity in space.

There is no good side user.

Your entire shuttle crew was literally roasted alive because of amurikan stupidity, corruption and incompetence

Tang wasn’t invented for space and Russians don’t “officially” bring alcohol into space.

>if he'd beaten the russians
Or if he just waited for the anglos to go to war with russia, could've just sat back and watched them fight, learned that was a thing fairly recently.

Amerimutt* :)

Go to ukraine and fight on russias side if you're lucky you can catch a redditor and do this to it.

Is this true?
I mean... even normies should realize how wrong this is.

This is ridiculous, but coming from the gringos it is expected.

Okay, Mutt. At least the Russians can determine who their father is unlike you 56% mystery meats.

it's dumb but it's also literally nothing.

will they come for the periodic table next??

This is fucking bullshit. This is going way too far.

Look, I'm not pro-russian or anything, but you CAN'T do this!!

Twice, actually.

But they did?

Sadly, THIS.

They could have docked with ISS and prepped a rescue vehicle, but the Engineers were silenced.

>Engineers: The foam strike severely damaged..
>Nasa Bureaucrats: I said SHUT IT!

Yeah this is fucked up. Do we go back and say any German composer can't be played on the radio because Hitler?

This is actually beyond the pale. No more women in power.

Trips of truth! Dang.

That's slightly less retarded, still dumb.

>At least the Russians can determine who their father is unlike you 56% mystery meats.

Yeah sure the father is one drunkard or addict from the 7 bydlo vatniks from the communist bloc you live in

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Wait until someone tells them the leader designer of the RBMK reactor was Ukrainian...

Lick me todge

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>you'll never have a place in our empire of dirt, Yuri
>look, we're kicking out everything that's Russian related, Don't you hate that, Russian people? Now get angry at Putin, not for things in the past that happened in your country, but for our interest in ukraine, that's when it actually matters. Now fall in line or we will continue to strip everything off.
All this petty shit further highlights who's the real enemy is, and how far the globohomo tentacles reach.


Yup. Waking up yet?

That jew run shithole known as Ukraine is really important to (((them))).
Yuri Gagarin was a role model for thousands of young men. The west is a bunch faggots acting like women

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Actually they already did that. Love them or hate them, Nazi Germany beat both Russia and the United States to space in general.

Bunch of gay trans cunts having a circle jerk patting each other on the back and calling the first man in space a loser. Unlike your buddy who just got his dick cut off.

As long as they have me on their side in spirit they'll keep winning until it's time

Odi spavat sinko

Actually, they sent a monkey first, so the first "man" in space was African American.

"wow, I can't believe the good guys won every war"

>The Space Foundation
Run by a bunch of deep state political faggots. They just created this organization for tax write-offs and free money.
Every 501-3(c) needs to be gassed.

just read that book for the first time a couple months back. Holy shit what a fucking redpill. I think about that book almost every day because of clownworld


No women in power is already Catholic doctrine FYI

this is the beta test for the erasure of the white race from the face of the earth, if the NWO can get rid of one of the strongest white nations, they can get rid of all of us

Read Fahrenheit 531 next.

??? How is he an insect? Did your affirmative action nigger supervisor give you a list of approved /pol insults and "insect" was on there? You didn't use it right, because that's a reserved term only used on Chinese people. I want to see my tax dollars used correctly, not wasted on a stupid-bitch liberal arts student like you.

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True, they also did this with German accomplishments. Men of former Axis countries had better not fall into the trap of going along with globohomo, who did the same to them and succeeded, to spite the Russians over 20th century (the fake and gay century) bad blood.

Wagner was banned for decades because of that.

LMAO whatever we homeschool so my son knows who the first man in space was

Oh look a little hate mongering jew filth trying to stir up a big war to profit off of.