America has.
>No money for university, healthcare or homeless people but endless BILLIONS for war.
>Citizens resort to self surgery on youtube because they can't afford a doctor.
>1/4 of the world's prisoners.
>A white man kills himself every 12 minutes. >Over 50% with their own gun.
>Over 70k white people die of a drug overdose every year.
>No political options. Both parties controlled by the same oligarchs.
>Sanctions against Russia and China are backfiring
>Petroyuan rising

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Yeah, it's a flawed system. Too bad the ladyboys can't create, just mimic, so we end up with another society trending to match America rather than any new ideas introduced. China
>is a republic
>has western legal code
>western political philosophy
>western educational systems
>western style infrastructure
>western military structure
>integration into western finance
>adopts latin characters for computing because their hieroglyphics writing system is inefficient
Waiting for China to provide any alternative to Western anything is a fantasy.

>Goes straight to ladyboys
Wow, perv. Good job revealing that your a fed boomer or something. Sexpat.

It's just accurate. They're low testosterone so low creativity. It's not all bad, being g low T gives them better health, longer life expectancy, safer cities. It's how an all white female society would look, safe and clean but with all concepts copied from men of male hormone levels.

China has
>A future
USA has
>no future

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I hope Xi sees this bros!

Attached: XiSimps.png (744x908, 219.6K)

"Home" is not a house. Having a condo is not comparable to the average lot size in the USA.

Well does US has a future without USD based Saudi oil futures?

>Chinese trust in government ranked highest in the world

Attached: trust in government.jpg (1174x661, 398.82K)

I own a 834m2 home with 2000 m2 of land inside a gated community that has a golf course and a sports club.
Americans cant afford stuff like this?

It got more of a future than europe does. Instead of seething over your betters and wishing you were a bug try looking to your own problems.

EU is completely insignificant in every metric. We(Hungary) won't fall much. But you will burn up on reentry.

How are those "gas" prices?

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>China wirr win!

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they have a horrible government but at least they are honest about that.

China doesnt have shit. Imagine living in a communist shithole and having zero social programs.

Damn, I haven't seen cope this heavy since 2016

>Having zero social programs
thats a lie,
besides giving money to nigs who dont work is not a good thing

2000 m2 is half an acre. You're living Ike a New Englander but without the terrible weather, but also without access to the culture of New England which includes a higher average IQ than any Mexican region.

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It's over for muttmerica.

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If the USD starts falling. Your gdp halves. The petrodollar was one of the best if not the absolutely best geopolitical chess move anyone ever made. The switcheroo from bretton to monetary supremacy was huge. But now your powers will be revoked. The issue is that since that time your economy has completely atrophied. Its all services and jews transferring numbers between their excel spreadsheet. There rest is made up of infinite debt issuance and endless trade deficits. what would happen if suddenly your exports become worthless and at the same time your imports must balance out to 0 the worthless exports?

>zero social programs

How the fuck do you think they achieved zero poverty you absolute brainlet.

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