Black Youtuber calls for Dog Genocide

"I HATE DOGS" is an insanely based African-American Youtuber from Atlanta. He Calls for dogs to be released from human ownership and exterminated instead.

Black Youtuber "I hate Dogs" is leading a unified global all races anti-dog stance.

Does pol support this man?

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Based. Fuck shitbulls. Fuck german shepards. Fuck niggers too.

Nah first order of business is to murder all murderers. Good luck OP, the hunt has begun and your shitposts can't change shit.


>nigger hate dogs
yea dogs hate niggers to.

In that respect, dogs are honorary whites.

Dogs are excellent judges of character. They hate niggers.

IHD is black and he browses pol. Why hate on him.......??

Dogs have more human characteristics than niggers do

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Only black ppl spit truthpills like IHD spits it

I love dogs more than humans

Same reason I hate pitbulls. They're violent. Some might be good but we need to euthanize them all to be safe. Niggers present a larger danger to babies than dogs.

I call for niggers to be released from police ownership and exterminated instead.

gtfo muttlover

You bang dogs. Perv!

will never happen. cause god wont let you

Niggers do not like dogs because dogs are more loveable and are man's best friend. Niggers are man's worst enemy.

doglove is nasty and pervy

It's OK to hate Whiteness. Racial identity derived from western or Euro sources = fascism. Whiteness is eurocentrism. Euro dna has NO value.

STOP! thinking its ok for u to push ur identity politix

i own u all 100%
do u feel it?

Captain N was a standup gamer hero from the late 1980s. Growing up, I followed this show a lot. Captain N kicks the FUCK back/chills and saves all humans, brown or white or anything. This is my new inspiration.

This is who I am, i am always crushing u


I'd trade the entire continent of Africa for 1 dog


You know, faggots doesn't really apply to homosexual people. Just like the word nigger doesn't really apply to race anymore. Both words today are just terms for an exceptional idiot.

You think God wants all humans dead but not exceptional idiots with filthy minds and hearts full of ill intentions?

Why do you think it says the meek will inherit the earth(this universe)? Do you truly in your heart believe God wants to hang out with little hatefull shitkids all day who preaches murder on innocent playful beings, be it animals or humans?

Good luck OP. The word on the street is that Satan loves God and hates your darkened heart

whatever. you are racist dude shut up.

>black power t shirt
My sides

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Imagine walking around with a White Power State Mind shirt on.
Would you be canceled?

>I Hate Dawgs*

based nigger
How long until i get to fill a pitbull with hollow point?
I swear, if I ever see an unleashed pitbull even approach me it's fucking dead. Hopefully I can kill it before it harms me though

Niggers almost always hated dogs unless they are shitbulls, but then again shitbulls are niggers too. Niggers are dangerous animals and a lot of dogs instinctively know this, that's why they make niggers nervous.

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Nah, but I truly hate those with a wicked heart. Probably why you scream racist, bitch

The execution of animals in the name of saving the planet could very well be the first phase in a modern day genocide. This nigger probably realizes that if he can kill someone's pet he can probably also kill their grandfather, child, cousin and so on. All in the name of equality, saving the planet, or whatever is the current virtue-signaling trend.

I had to shoot one a few years ago when some "ganstas" threatened to sick their pitbull on me. I put a .357 right through it and it died gurgling and twitching. Still had 4 more rounds for the ganstas if they tried anything, but they almost turned white and shit their pants, ran off instead. Very glad i had my pistol with me that day.

Here’s a redpill you mang: everyone is “racist.” It’s a survival instinct and your friend.
Combine that with pattern recognition, and just simply observing niggers in the wild and yes, of course, niggers are a blight on this earth.

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I scream it cuz you are a hella evil hater........................

dogs are annoying and spread disease, they should all get gassed.

I should make a video, but about niggers instead.

The only way I would accept this one is if he offs a bunch of niggers before offing himself.


holy shit can you greentext this?
all pitbull hating aside, i'm really glad you're safe. Letting a dirty creature harm you is a horrible fate and is so preventable.

You're so full of shit. It's easy to see it's always about "smelling" the others intentions. Literally seeing if their heart is wicked or not. Transcends race, you'll easily find good people amongst every race, just as east you'll find the shits of every race

Stop LARPing, no one is falling for it.

Based, never cared to dogs. Just just kill off the top 3 most violent breeds, for killing them all of is unrealistic.

If I had the button to nuke dogs or niggers the niggers are getting it, dogs have been succesfully integrated to white societies for over 10 000 years niggers zero years

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Not everyone on this board is a black hater. Retard.

I agree to an extent.
Dogs are work animals and not heckin chonkers made for snoot booping
Cats are the only pets i respect and only because they shit in a box and bury it
I've walked hundreds of miles around my city and never have I seen cat shit in the grass where kids play

I have an opinion...

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>walking up behind a store to get smokes
>car races up and screeches to a hale beside me.
>2 spics jump out
>one of them talks shit in mexicanese, the other holding leash of a pitbull
>pitbull lunging and spitting, trained to fucking kill me
>say "this is not necessary", offer spics my wallet
>reach behind back and pull .357 from SOB holster instead
>immediately shoot pitbull through neck and into body without warning
>spics shit pants and yell random mexicanese, jump back into car
>had 4 more hollowpoints if spics wanted to commit suicide
>leave immediately, don't go into store for smokes because cops
>get back home, smoke herb and drink Wild Turkey 101

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