FDR caught grinning and laughing on camera

First off, what does he have to be happy about? Let alone smirking and laughing?
Next, lets point out all the bull shit he is saying:
>footage is from 1941 so the only information people have is from tv (this footage), the radio where they would just play this audio, or newspapers/magazines where they would just print the transcript and have some people chime in to give their opinion and support whatever the president is saying
>basically 2022 except with NO INTERNET
>"the british people are braced for invasion whenever such attempt may come"
The Germans lost the battle of Britain in 1940, they tried and failed to get air superiority over Britain and this ruined any chance they had of invading the country given Britain completely superior navy and now their better airforce had prevented German air superiority over the channel and Britain itself
>at the time of this speech Germany is waist deep in Russia
>The USN is now in the fight too
>"the essence of british morale is in the masses of plain people who are completely clear in their minds about the one essential fact: that they would rather die as free men than live as slaves"
See how he projects? Like all Jews or their helpers do? "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"
FDR knew damn good and well about how much Hitler had tried to make peace with Britain and didn't want war, he knew about their attempts with France and everything we know about the war up to that point, he knew too. He also knew what his side was fighting for and knew what the Axis countries were fighting for, and their refusal to submit and surrender was precisely because they'd rather die free than live as slaves. Slaves to international capitalism and communism.

Attached: FDR.png (1267x659, 580.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


At 4:26 in, he starts talking about dictatorships"
"When dictatorships disintegrate"
Notice how he's laughing when he says disintegrate? Look at his face. He says it like "dis-ppfff-INTEGRATE
Because he knows what his country is, what his allies are, and especially what the USSR is. Which the US had funded since its birth mind you, was the first to recognize it as a legitimate country and funded the bolshevik coup of 1917 to begin with. All of which FDR HAD to have known.
My OP pic is from 4:32 in. Right after saying disintegrate, he briefly glances up at the crowd for a split second before looking back at his speech. We don't know whether he wrote it himself or not, but he had no reason to be smirking when talking, have trouble saying a word because it looks like he is fighting laughing, and then once he is done with his sentence he still has a smirk on his face and glances up at the crowd before immediately looking back down.
What does my picrel look like to you? It looks like smug knowing evil to me. Remember there was no recording any of this back then, no rewinding, whatever. If someone even saw this video rather than heard it or read about it, and they paid very close attention and watched the whole thing, then they probably wouldn’t even notice and if they did, it would be so fast they probably wouldn’t make anything of it. He knew he’d get away with it, he probably couldn’t believe how gullible people were and was getting a kick out of it. He was smart enough to look back down as soon as he caught himself automatically leering up.

4:52, he talks about world reconstruction. Why did he say "world con- reconstruction"
Was he gonna say world conquest? World control? Did he just have a slip of the tongue?

Attached: 1646385227156.jpg (512x512, 39.03K)

Then he starts talking about the Germans talking about the master race they never talked about (projection), then goes on to explain that there has never and will never be a master race or any race fit to rule over the earth, all while smirking, all while working for the Jews who view themselves as being just that. Do you hear laughter at 5:14?
>talks about healthful living as a goal
Precursor to mindfulness? Body wellbeing? Modern leftist pseudo health shit? It was just meaningless shit he was saying like they do today. The rest is lies distortions or projections. Like today.

I'm gonna break down a video where FDR and Churchill are in Washington DC after this, but first look at this
I'm not sure what I think of Huey Long, but he did call out the federal reserve, did not believe in capitalism as it existed then, and he was viewed as enough of a threat to FDR that they made this propaganda hit piece.
POV: its the early 1930s, all info you have is from govt controlled sources. Here is a sitting president, commissioning this video, (which he shouldn't be doing anyways, free press????) which is full of slander and lies. Not only that, but notice how they cut out the speeches? Add eerie or bad music? At 3:33 in they say "his (Long's) senatorial immunity is no help to him (NYC), they then simulate him being beaten.
Wtf? This is a sitting president who had this made and distributed to influence public opinion. Hmmmmm....
Later in the video they use weird video and audio editing to show multiples of him at the same time all talking over eachother weird spliced speech clips and weird music. You notice how boomers today are so susceptible to media propaganda? How they seem almost mesmerized by it? They believe it. Imagine some boomers from back then watching this. Mr. and Mrs. boomer born in 1890 didn't question this.

Attached: huey-long.jpg (1200x919, 259.72K)

Now the FDR and Churchill in DC one.
They use Christian symbolism to manipulate the masses, when ironically the government is as un-Christian as it could be. Usury, lying, demanding the submission of countries or else their destruction, and the allowing of so many Jews to dictate government policy. How could a Christian do any of that? It's because it was just a LARP as was their entire "good guy" facade.
Both FDR and Churchill both repeatedly say "fellow workers.........." before saying "of X, Y or Z"
Fellow workers. That's the communist catch phrase. "workers", workers of the world unite. Makes sense given how much praise they heap onto their best buddy Stalin and how they are aiding and abetting and are allied with the USSR. Makes since given they are fighting for globalism which is just global communism. Wherever Stalin can't exert direct control FDR and Churchill will see to the rest.
"1941 has brought upon our nation a war of aggression by powers dominated by arrogant rulers who selfish purpose is to destroy free institutions, they would thereby take from the freedom loving peoples of the earth the hard won liberties gained over many centuries."
Projection. How many peace offers did any of the Allies make other than unconditional surrender starting in 1943? How many peace offers did the Axis make? How much did the Allies try to avoid war, or the expansion of it? How much did the Axis? etc
What was the goal of the allies vs the axis?
4:16 in
"Our enemies practice hate"
Modern media goes on about hate constantly, X Y Z of HATE. Hate has no place here, Love beats Hate, etc. See how its all the same shit?

Attached: questions.png (1918x1079, 1.64M)

Later on Churchill talks about the bonds of blood, common language, and common heritage. But all of Germany's efforts to annex territory that had a bunch of Germans in it was unacceptable?

"No greed for that lands or wealth of any other people, no vulgar ambition, no morbid lust for material gain at the expense of others had(s?) let us to the field"
Absolute lies, he just explained their whole MO +

So and and so forth. So, is anyone still questioning whether the US people were informed about what was going on or even had a say in the matter? They had no more control over the government then than we have now, and just like the present, the government used its govt owned media to send the message it wanted, and it always did and does emphasize how "everyone else thinks this too! Americans are united!!!!!!!!!111"


Attached: 1646599412252.jpg (1836x3264, 1.71M)

This is a great thread and that is precisely why it is going to slide off the board.

we need more bumps


Germany declared war on the US on Dec. 11th 1941

We need more real people.

Duper's delight, your cousins have this problem.

The US was already shooting at German boats while embargoing them of everything, seizing assets, training British troops, giving the British free boats, free repairs in US ports, lend lease to the British and the Soviets, and more, all this was just done towards Germany, not counting their actions towards the others

Germany had kike fatigue, so they pulled the usual plan to implode it (jews pretending to oppose their own family, everyone acting retarded, then the other side of their mafia concerns troll about them, ...).





>The Germans lost the battle of Britain in 1940, they tried and failed to get air superiority over Britain and this ruined any chance they had of invading the country given Britain completely superior navy and now their better airforce had prevented German air superiority over the channel and Britain itself

The Battle of Britain narrative is one of the more egregious myths of the war. Churchill's propaganda and posterity has created a David and Goliath type of narrative around the whole thing.
>The mighty German military was forced back by the struggling little British fighter command!

They use all sorts of skewed statistics to back this up. But it couldn't be further from the truth. Germany was simply in no position to mount a full scale invasion of Britain. Hitler knew it. Churchill knew it. The British still had their Royal Navy, the Germans had agreed to the Anglo-German naval agreement. Their navy was completely insufficient for such a thing. And the German economy was in no position to inherit the empire in the extremely unlikely scenario that they invaded Britain. Hitler always wanted to ally with England. It was his biggest regret that he couldn't get them to align with Germany at any point.

The fact of the matter is, "the battle of Britain" was hardly even relevant.
This is coming from a guy who was fascinated with WW2 aerial warfare as a kid (G-Pa was a WW2 vet). Hitler's wish was merely to put pressure on them to negotiate. He did this by attacking shipping/trade. The "attacking the air-force to gain superiority" was always a pipe-dream and Hitler knew it. He just hoped they could do enough damage to force their hand.

This is an autistic round about way of saying, WW2 was completely unnecessary. Churchill deserves the most blame followed by FDR.
(Yes Churchill wasn't PM in '39, but he was gathering a new regime together and forcing Chamberlin's hand to declare war etc.)

Nice work user! This is good stuff!

Great post, do you know about how the USSR was gonna attack Germany in July 1941?

Yeah. That's one reason why it was so easy for the Germans to encircle them so quickly (besides the Russian Generals being generally incompetent). Russian forces were placed on the western border and were not prepared for defensive positioning.

Vid rep shows you how the Soviets were not outnumbered, and keep in mind that even at the start of the invasion the Germans whole thing was mobile warfare and encirclements, they couldn't fight head on pitched battles and win, which as far as I know they accordingly never did (win a pitched battle) youtu.be/1CqGeAmVu1I

I'm not so sure Russia was going to attack however. I was under the impression that they were building up massive amounts and waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Stalin's hopes were that England, France would battle with Germany and after both sides were at exhaustion, Russia would sweep in, join "victors" with Russia being the strongest at the negotiating table. Ergo, Russia would be calling the shots.
They pretty much got their way in the end anyway.

If England just allies with Germany, Germany would have taken out the USSR. Things would have been better. Hitler would have agreed to reasonable trade deals. All he really wanted was for Germany to be a hegemonic power in south eastern Europe, and to rid Russia of the "bolshevik" scourge.

That's a JEW.

If not in the literal sense than absolutely the mental sense

I'm op btw, just phone posting now, have shit I have to do

However, Chuchill was still trying to follow the out dated "Balance of Power" foreign policy and was hellbent on destroying Germany. You probably already know he had a hand in designing the Lusitania plot. He was a staunch and vocal Germanophobe.

He simply refused to alter his foreign policy. In the end he sealed the fate of England and lost the empire. He gave away all his leverage to the USA and made a deal with the devil in Stalin. He had originally wanted to use the war as an opportunity to expand the empire into the middle east, and ultimately failed there too.
The fact that we lionize that guy shows how strong Western propaganda remains. He was a fat, drunk idiot who basically failed miserably in every venture he took on.

He was a good goyim that send 400,000 Americans to die for jews. Of course he was laughing.

I tried to make a thread a while ago about how the British used govt funded propaganda to get the American people to want war with Germany, and FDR knew about it and encouraged/supported it. That info would tie in nicely with this thread, I'll remake that thread some time

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