Frenchman who took ukrainian refugee gets bullied on social media

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The game is rigged against ugly men. The guy looks like he frequents 1970s porn theaters so he gets ripped on social media instead of being hailed as a hero helping refugees

look at his snoz....

It's his own fault. You can't be tarred and feathered in town's square if you keep your head down, hide your power level, and don't advertise your private business.

This new age belief that you have to tell the entire world every goddamned thing you do can ONLY attract your own naysayers in the long run.

The people that care about you don't need to upvote a post on your social media to show you they love you, and you don't need to pat yourself on the back to know you're a good person.

Do good deeds and keep yourself to yourself. The truest harmony is self acceptance, not likes and follows.

He’s a kike

those who do it do so out of virtue signaling points

No one would bat an eye if he had adopted a few toothless hohol men.

seething roasties

that count as white in france? He looks like a typical mystery meat mutt.

bro i am humble as fuck i always help people and never tell anyone about it i'm so fucking nice and honest and good to everyone humility 101 bro right here

I have a retarded scummy smile too all the time. Even when i talk about nuclear holocaust. It just can't be helped

it's anuhda shoa

This, if he looked more attractive the women would simp for him.

And in doing so, brings upon them the wrath of pissy internet shitheads that lash out at good Samaritans for anything they can think of because they themselves are horrible people and it makes them feel better about themselves to tear down other people.

The guy is a straight up class act, helping a human being that needs it.

But because it "looks" a certain way, or because some insecure person "feels" a certain way about it, the "narrative" isn't good Samaritan does good deed - it becomes some version of "fat bald incel pedo imports third world hottie to be his oppressed sex slave".

You can't win social media, you can only either survive it, or go without it.

Why are the french darker than our own people kek

She's easy on the eyes. She won't be staying with Shlomo for long.

If I were to accept refugees (wich I don't) I would only accept females.
For obvious reasons.
First of all, If I'm single I dont' want some dude raping me or stabbing me in the neck while I sleep.
Second, If I have a girlfriend living with me I don't want some nigger lusting or raping my girlfriend and ending up in some situation that I need to stabe somebody to death.
Third, If I bring a family then that would be a complete shit fest. Worst case scenario they falsely accuse you of diddling one of the kids and not only your life is ruined forever but they can even get monetary compensation.

So realistically speaking picking one girl is the only safe solution.
I don't give a fuck, this dude should NEVER say sorry. He needs to double down and blast the roasties out of orbit.

Telling me isn't humility. Posting it, even anonymously, isn't humility.

I get what you're saying, and your heart is in the right place, but you don't need to say it. Just do it, and only do it. Even mentioning that you did it is self aggrandizing, self promoting, circle jerk of self. It's bad Karma. You don't want to invite some kind of cosmic serendipitous backlash.

Do good deeds, then keep it to yourself. The world will catch on that you're a good person, telling the world you're a good person just makes you look like a leftist asshole feminist that's bound to get #metoo'd.

Based, I have 3 empty bedrooms, will the government hand me 3 hot Ukrainian refugees or will I be stuck with babushkas?

This situation is just weird. The french government set up a website for people who want to host a refugee for 6 months minimum and cater to them. They never did that for syrian/afghan refugees, in fact they were actively prevented from settling and the cops were sent to destroy they camps ad tents.

I'm guessing it's wamen complaint about importing women.

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Slavic steroetypes of them are that they are greedy and whores that suck you dry.
Ditch you as soon as they have what they need they drop you.

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>the government doesn't want a bunch of 18-40 year old shitskin muzzie rapists who don't work
You're either a retard or a nigger.

So... they're women?

Can you stop reddit spacing for once you absolute faggot.
Talks about humility and uses double the amount of space others use.

it does in the south

Because there's french and "french"
French TV Host

So let me get this straight: hohol males are barred from leaving the country, they must die for homosexuals, jews and homosexual jews in Ukraine. Meanwhile, hohol Anushkas are getting raped by niggers in Krautland or are willingly sucking frog dicks in whiteflagland. Am I up to date?

They know that the niggers you imported are there to use as biological weapons.
If thousands of ukranian women with children go to France without a french family to give them assylum you will have a shit fest scenario of massive rapes of ukranians everywhere.
Not even with an addict media you can hide that.

Even Chad would have been roasted by the roasties, but not as hard. The eternal Roast is seething as they are not getting child migrans to groom and rape as they did in 2015. Many stories out there.


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living the dream

Look closely at his face; obviously he's the crisis actor that played the role of Diana's drunken chauffeur in their faked deaths.

i feel bad for her rofl