How did you resist becoming an NPC?

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I have non verbal learning disorder and ADD

By spending years trying to be one and being rejected by all the others.

Going through trials and tribulations and becoming a master at various crafts and finding ur passion then building a roadmap around it and saying fuck jews and fuck niggers

Im autistic and have a inner need to find sources/info about topics myself

By being an aspie

>By spending years trying to be one and

If u know too much there's nothing to resist. I want to go back, but I can't unsee all that gore and accurate Alex Jones predictions coming to pass.

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I just questioned everything.
If what we're told is true, the response to it being questioned should be rational and satisfactory. If people freak out over something being questioned or if the answer is flimsy then it warrants further investigation.
The Holocaust is disturbingly easy to disprove and is probably the best example of a narrative people aren't allowed to question, mass immigration is something that people don't freak out if one questions it but the argument for why we allow it is transparently terrible.

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Questioning. I resisted being like us, but knowing things aren't adding up and the wrongs that aren't resolved gnaws at a person.


>the biggest bogeyman in lolbert mythology is a privatized institution founded by rich guys

Common sense

By having an IQ > the temp of lukewarm water. Any Forums got the ball rolling, but it's painfully obvious we're constantly being manipulated and I hate people for not seeing that.

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High IQ post

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>How did you resist becoming an NPC?
I'd rather know the truth than feel good

Resist? Niggah they ain't no resisting in that. If you're not dumb you just can't believe anything (((they))) tell you.

when i realized niggers aren't fully human and everyone else tries to act like they are.

i struggle with authority

teachers, cops, politicians, bosses, doesn't really matter. i will only listen to non-retards which disqualifies 80% of mankind

Raised by single dad contrarian engineer. Went to school to be contrarian engineer. Politically neutral right leaning until I trained muay Thai after college and lost 60 lbs. Podesta emails were a huge wake up call.

When my friends started listening to Drake unironically back in the mid -00's I knew something was up

At some point in time, and I don't know when exactly, it occurred to me that other kids and adults cared about a lot of useless shit that does not actually matter.