
Russia stoped exporting potatoes to america, now some stores are allowing people to buy one potatoe per person, look at this!! This is America, thanks biden

Attached: FB71MlHXsAMExap.jpg (2048x1536, 697.83K)

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I have no idea what that is.

The great mick riots of 2022 are about to begin

Attached: sheamus-blood-4.jpg (720x405, 39.99K)

sweet potatoes do not grow in Russia

The Latvians will surely step in.

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>he buys anything other than Idaho spuds.

I been buying those for years. I require 1 potato with my steak. Not 3 lbs

Potatoes aren’t even from your hemisphere lol

Why the fuck do you buy only enough ingredients for one meal at a time?

Individually plastic wrapped potatoes.
Holy fucking shit.
We're all fucked.

too bad

Attached: thejewfearsthepotatostockpile.jpg (800x469, 305.06K)

>Single potatoes covered in shrink foil

Because I live two minutes away from a commercial grocers

Shit bait.

they have sold individual potatoes like that forever. it's a terrible deal, but it's nothing to due with russia.


Those are sweet potatoes.

>complains about micro-plastics everywhere
>gets bitch tits due to BPA leeching into ground water
>thinks using plastic like this is fine

That looks gross. Do you enjoy eating rocks mam?

those are 'microwavable potatoes' that retards buy because they don't realize you can just microwave a regular potato

How you make sure stored potatoes don't go bad? And how much time those can last?
Serious question.

One week at a time? I shop once a week and do it the same way - one steak, one potato. If I'm going to do a beef stew with potato and other veg during the week, I'll buy the by the pound.

have to be stored in a cool, dry, root cellar if you live in a warm climate

Ireland is ready to do business with the US, but we want yuan.

Those are sweet potato's in pic though, Russia to clod to even grow them

We will be okay.

I got a 10 pound (4.5 Kilo) bag two days ago for $5. The potatoes came from Idaho.

Sweet potatoes are disgusting and nigger planation food.


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Idaho produces 1/3 of the potatoes in the U.S.... we'll be fine.

Russia isn't all siberia