What is your current understanding of the Russia Ukraine situation

I’ve noticed a lot of right wing Americans supporting Russia to own the libs. Assuming most of you are fascist/sympathizing scum, I’m curious what you’re opinions are. Do you think Putin is “saving” “white” civilization? Do you support the Azov Battalion or the Right Sector?

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nice bait thread

i don't support either kike-bank owned side of this fake fucking war designed to expropriate shekels from the goyim.

to quote Marx, himself, a jew btw:

Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man’s work and man’s existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it.

The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange.

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>usa moves military towards russia for 30+years
>military base in every nato member country
>usa / ngos / globohomo destroys countries. Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan
>2014 protests in ukraine
>[censored because I dont want to reveal my knowledge]
>us puppet installed into ukraine
>russia neogiates for 8 years
>no resulsts
>war to secure russias geopolitical interests and turn towards asia and away from west for good

Zwelinsky created this war. The Azov battalion should make a coup and actually put nazis in Ukraine government. A good Chechen is a dead Chechen.

how dare russia exist so close to our bases? they are the clear aggressor in this equation.

Putin wants USSR 2.0, that's it, simple as, Russia wants its imperial status in Europe and in the world back.
As for niggers who claim he is a savior of the white race, you should read and listen what his chief advisor Dugin says.

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>Stalin discovering basic economics
>kikes and banksters took over Russia in 1917
>kikes and gangsters started killing russian elite
>Stalin took over
>Stalin removed kikes from power
>Soviet Union burst onto scene from being a country destroyed by kikes to being one of the top economic powers in 20 years.
>while kikes who "know economics" - majordomos that got power - are dreaming of buying themselves another house , more cars and a yacht.
>while being parasites on the west

Two jews are sending white people to kill each other.

That's my opinion.

Putin is evicting the corrupt Jewish parasites and liberating Ukraine

>Putin wants to rebuild USSR
If only that were true.

>basic economics

What do you mean about (((basic economics)))

caleb maupin
abbey martins
richard wolff
ilhaan omar
nick fuentes
marjorie tayl greene
keith woods

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I don't care for either countries, however I lived in an occupied city for 4 years in the 90's and I'm on the Ukraine's civilian side.
Nobody deserves to have their country invaded and their lives taken on the excuse they are being "liberated".
Fuck off back to Russia.

fucking based, toothpaste bro.

why would that even be a good thing? the JewSSR required just as much labor, production, consumption, toil, and usury as did their capitalist contemporaries.

what, about bolshevism, strikes you as remotely applicable or viable for humanity moving forward into a future that will not allow for the continued degradation and destruction of the environment? how and why do you think communism is one bit more sustainable than faggy capitalism?

It’s a jab at libertarians.

I always do the opposite of what the JEWS want.

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You haven't noticed shit. Go back to wherever you came from.

Horseshoe theory is real isn't it?

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This is the one issue you can unironically fence-sit. Russia is an obvious aggressor and there’s no justification in the world for invading another country. This does not mean that Ukraine is innocent of any wrongdoing.

The US is to blame for bad foreign policy.

retard boomer niggers always say "durr socialists don't understand basick eckanomicks", or "marx didn't take into account that it's human nature to be greedy!", as if finance is naturally ingrained in human animals

>Russia is an obvious aggressor
Name a time when the USA was defending itself against a military attack.

what if jews say to do the opposite of what jews say? then you've been jewed by the jews, haven't ye goyim?

Yikes sweetie, fencesitting means you support Putin. 1 second of doing nothing = 1 dead ukrainian. It's LITERALLY CURRENT YEAR

Marxism provides context to all of human history and gives the common people tools to analyze that history and create a new history. Also I don’t have a problem with jews, they are humans, unlike fascists.

It feels like our economy is starring in a Final Destination movie.


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>what if jews say to do the opposite of what jews say? then you've been jewed by the jews, haven't ye goyim?

Not what the jews SAY, what the jews WANT. two different things, chiam.

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