White American retard undertakes the unremarkable task of learning a second language

>White American retard undertakes the unremarkable task of learning a second language
>Feels the need of recording himself barely babbling a few lose words in Chinese while strangers cringe
>Decides to upload the video on YouTube for some reason
>5 million views

Why is the bar so low for these people? How come you don't see Mexicans in the US recording themselves while speaking English to strangers?

Attached: Screenshot_20220318-170522_YouTube.jpg (1078x888, 529.78K)

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You see, a common occurrence isn't as exciting as a rare occurrence.

Nah he's an autistic freak, all the third worlders think he meets say he speaks fluently . Ironically, he does have massive lisp in every language.

When a smart person learns something new its not impressive, but when your retarded cousin learns algebra its spectacular.

Same applies to Americans.

I donno man. I don't learn languages to show off, I think it's cringey as fuck. Especially like you said since so many foreigners learn English just fine in order to compete and get by

he's jewish, they have a high verbal iq i hear

It's rare for a white man to speak decent Chinese, especially an Anglo American. Far Eat Asian languages are the hardest to learn for indo european speakers.

>How come you don't see Mexicans in the US recording themselves while speaking English to strangers?
Because this is nothing surprising. English is a global language.
People learning Chinese is a rarity when compared to people learning English.

Amerishits are even lower than niggers

He is a kike
Not lying

Maybe it's lowkey humiliation. I can get by in your gibberish, yet you're too racist/retarded to get good at English.

>Why is the bar so low for these people? How come you don't see Mexicans in the US recording themselves while speaking English to strangers?

Because the only words they know is No habla english

Because we laugh on each other pronunciation, it doesnt matter if its quite good

You know how many millions speak Chinese around the globe, not only counting those from mainland China but also other asians who have a different mother tongue/dialect?

English has over 1 billion L2 speakers. Mandarin has like 190 million L2 speakers.

Dumb shit. A lot of wppo loves to larp on how they are learning chinese. OPs pic is a great example.

That kid is an actual beast. He speaks pretty much perfect mandarin and lived in China. He also seems to be able to study up on obscure languages and dialects for a few weeks and then take that and jump right in to conversing with native speakers. Pretty amazing really. And apparently also a really good youtube shtick.

He sounds indistinguishable from other native Chinese when speaking Mandarin. Maybe not so much when speaking dialects.
Close your eyes or use another tab with one of his vids open and try to tell the difference lol

Well he's Jewish and he's trying to make money.
It's really that simple..

And mexicans go in an exchange to the US for 1 year and return with a good pronunciation. Whats your point?

This again. Xiaoma is not (((white))) he's JEWISH. It's another Jewish pilpul chameleon act. They have extremely high verbal IQs, why do you think they make such good lawyers and politicians?

Because jewtube has purged everything but obnoxious, brainlet attention whores who have unquestioning loyalty to the (((agenda))).

That he's not LARPing and that he's actually legit

Great find reddit!

With chinese obviously not. With the other zillions of languages he obviously does

False, if you actually study Chinese you would hear his accent. Although his Chinese is pretty good, definitely better than mine will ever be.

His non-chinese vids are very short conversations that end up with people grinning from ear to ear. No need to shit on this guy lol
When the other person can't see him they always mistake him for a native chinese

He looks fucking white to me, are you telling me you can tell the difference? Gtfo..



imagine if that vid of kids pranking by feeding seagulls at the beach laxative and recording them shitting all over everyone at the beach happened in modern day
>video removed from youtube
>kids arrested for animal abuse / psych evaluation and heavily medicated and given criminal record
>parents arrested for child abuse, property damage and PTSD recovery for those shat on
>CNN: BREAKING epicdemic of SHIT on beaches carrying PLAGUE. Local councilwoman has unbelievable answer, only 0.5% additional gas tax!
there is no fun allowed in life anymore
everything is either 100% maximum jew shill, or the opposite, a 100% Any Forums anger response to a jew shill

>Cum hard for indian man

learning to speak mandarin is a great achievement and being multilingual should be celebrated. Congrats to him.

that guy is a kike. he loves all the diversity in jew york city