Fights two world war on the wrong side

>Fights two world war on the wrong side
>Bombs millions of German Aryans
>Imports millions of shitskins in Europe
>Creates America, the biggest golem to ever exist
>Create israel
>Creates Masonry

Attached: Flag_of_Great_Britain_(1707–1800).svg.png (2560x1536, 15.62K)

Quit using the word Aryan when you faggots don't even know what it means

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That term suits better Germans than shitskinned Iranians, sorry

That is ancient history. Despite the Brexit UK has been a good country in Europe since the Ukraine situation happened.

Meanwhile some Italian airport workers refused to load weapons into planes that were heading into Ukraine.

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Based Britain making mainlanders seethe since the romans were knocking about

>Meanwhile some Italian airport workers refused to load weapons into planes that were heading into Ukraine

Attached: mussolini-not-impressed.gif (220x169, 760.71K)

Aryan does mean shitskin you stupid nigger

wrong flag retard

Oh really? Shiplords who just their military to rule over niggers and dravidians are financially owned by jews? No way they're a bunch of retards who lost all their power!

I truly believe the Anglo-Kikes are a subspecies of kikes

Yes I would expect this attitude as Italians betray their alleis once again. It's almost as if it's something Italians are proud of.

No, the Aryans you're talking about were tribes of Nordics living in the region at the time.
Angles are Alpines, a type of White. But creates America? What? One of the main reasons we rebelled was to challenge the notion that kings are appointed by God. Our nation exists as a rebellion to Monarchy.

Not anymore

Same shit

The Italian corrupted government doesn't do and represent the Italian people interests

The Aryan ruling race were white skinned with a high rate of blue eyes that went on to settle in the Caucuses and Europe (aka Caucasian). All white languages and cultures stem from their settlements.

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They created abortion too

Based eugenics.

you know where the word "aristocracy" comes from?
it seems you missed a couple linguistics lessons, mutt.
it's not called "mother tongue" for nothing.


>switches sides

Somehow I'm not surprised

is this the thread?

Attached: success breeds jealousy.jpg (800x450, 128.54K)

This is the thread.

Attached: british success.png (1699x643, 933.52K)

Attached: 1628922598114.png (1606x1638, 347.33K)

>invents your entire lifestyle
>is relevant in newspapers in every country on earth
>largest land and sea empire to ever exist

Attached: smug brit.jpg (500x500, 106.62K)

I had a chat with my grandma how my grandpa got bombed in Dresden, survived it and got relocated to Austria to a farm where het got captured and become American POW.