Why is Mcdonald's so fucking bad...

Why is Mcdonald's so fucking bad? I haven't eaten there in over a decade so I gave it a try today for the Mario Kart happy meal and the pieces of shit didn't even put cheese on my burger. Reminder to literally never order fast food.

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dumb nigger employees.

It's hit and miss. When they prepare the food properly it's delicious.

I had mcdonalds for the first time in a while today too and it was really good. By far the best of the major fast food chains

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mcdonalds is amazing. your gripe is with 80 iq brown employees. sage + all fields + ngmi + ywnbaw

It went to shit around 2005.

>I gave it a try today for the Mario Kart happy meal

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Mcdick's is good when you're at the extremes of eating: when you're really Any Forums and want to indulge in some sloppa, and when you're a fat ass who enjoys how effective it is at giving you a food high

I’ve eaten there almost every week since forever until the past few years. It’s just garbage food. It all sort of tastes the same and it’s not good unless you’re hungry and get fries right out of the fryer. I wind up smelling like it I noticed after eating it. I took long breaks and almost every time I came back it just sucked. I think you have to eat it regularly to like it. When you cut the cycle, your brain recovers and when you have it again you realize it’s actually shit

Got one on order that's arriving in 5 minutes. Will let you know how it is.

The only thing McDonald's has going for it is that their burgers aren't drowning in sauces. Every other place has disgusting grease and ketchup/mayo mixture dripping all over the place and the buns slide around. Fast food is disgusting nigger-made slop anyway.

>Eating McDonalds at home
>First time in a while
Two weeks does not constitute as a while. Only perma-fastfooders eat that shit in their home.

are you in my country legally, jose? if you passed the citizenship test, you should be able to understand what i wrote

Here they have a McSelection burger that's decent if it's relatively fresh when you get it. But yeah a lot of times McDonald's is like eating paper but costs twice what pizza/kebab/thai costs.

> Letting pajeets and nogs handle his food
Enjoy cum in your gfs burger!

You should see the new McD near my house. I can't tell whether it looks like commie bloc housing, or a tomb.
>not that there's much of a difference.

Well that's just not true

One of the reasons i get McDonald's is because it's easy to eat with one hand while you're driving without making a mess

It depends where you live... I can't wait for them to replace the people with robots. then everything will always be right and the same.
>mario cart happy meal

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For me, it's the McChicken. Something something what a great restaurant.

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Its great..and you are a retard..go suck a russian cock for gas money. Nigger...Mcdonalds is family.

I barely ever eat burgers, but I do sometimes, just to for old times sake. Where I live, McDonalds is by far the cleanest fast food restaurant I've been in.

I always order a burger without the bun (using lettuce leaves in place of bread). By comparison, burger king doesn't even haver full lettuce leaves, they have them precut to cut costs the lazy buggers.

there is different tiers of mcdonalds food.
in white areas there is high trust, and the food is always at minimum, hot and fresh.

in nigger tier communities (mixed race areas)
there is a drastic decrease in the quality of the food. (cold/stale, or slopped)

if you want a mcdonald cheeseburger that looks like what their ads and commercials display those are only found in hwhite communities.
and in hhwhite communities, there is no need for mcdonalds at all.
because it is sub-human.


If you get freshly made and properly prepared food it is pretty good, some items are better than others. The risk is that some retard that can't be bothered to so a simple task messes it up or they are too lazy to make fresh fries or the dumbass shift manager wants their times low so gives you the old shitty food they accidentally made 25 minutes earlier.

I've never eaten anything from McDonald's. I don't think I ever will.

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Also anyone who orders chicken burger, sugary drinks or ice cream is a subhuman


My cousin found a roach in her burger from McDs. Thing was the size of a grasshopper and when we pulled it out of the sandwich it just exploded with eggs. I've never puked so hard in my life. Fuck Mcdonalds

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This is a highly accurate post. NEVER go to a nigger McDonald's. I walked into one once, and there was no real furniture. Only folding plastic chairs and tables on the grimy tiled floor. It was the weirdest shit, and noped out of there so fast I went back in time.

You missed out on the old recipe fries and McNuggets they were amazing.

>I gave it a try today for the Mario Kart happy meal
Wow, a manlet on Any Forums. Who woulda figured?

>he doesn't know

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