Get me out of this SHITHOLE

I hate this fucking and country and its people. For all Westerners admiring Putin and Russia: The average salary here is about 200 dollars. Even some Africans earn more. Come and live here for some weeks and see it for yourself.

People are literally starving here and searching for food in trash.... Fucking Putler did nothing for his country.

Attached: ru.png (2560x1707, 3.03K)

I want to go to Germany

>Putler did nothing for his country.
Zoomer detected. Ask you parents how was life during the 90s

that is a sacrifice I'm willing for you to make to get kikes to seethe

I've lived through 90s, get fucked zoomer scum

Try to find a way to get out, or just wait when the war ends.

No. You go to Ukraine and repair all demolished buildings.

Just leave?

>200 dollars
Should've learned a trait, gopnik.

No you don't ..

WW3 soon, it's part of the plan.

We all hate your country Oleg

Пoчeмy мы дoлжны вoзвpaщaтьcя в 90-e, cyкин ты cын? Пocмoтpитe, cкoлькo cтpaн Bocтoчнoй Eвpoпы пoвыcили cвoй ypoвeнь жизни. A кaк нacчeт нac? Пpoдoлжaйтe cмoтpeть нa Poccию 1.

I will report you to Putin

Say what you want about Putin, but he was right about you mutt wannabe faggots.

It's even worse now

There is people who hate him. Not all russians want putin.

Russia was amazing

Attached: IMG_2489.jpg (4032x3024, 1.6M)

>how was life during the 90s
Pretty neat, actually. Better than now.

He has a trait: poor

You need to be at least 18 to be on this site.

"I've lived"

Except you haven't, you haven't enjoyed any of the technological advancements in tech due to being so poor other than the internet, i literally know a Russian guy who, i shit you not, got a PS3 for Christmas in 2022, and to him it was "some of the best shit we can get here"

your country is STILL in the fucking 90's lmao

How much do houses cost?

>comparing Putin to Hitler
How dare you compare that crypto-kike goblin to Hitler, get fucked.

Become a ladyboy and sell your ass to an 80 year old Frenchman

Snitches get stiches, you know :D

eastern europe leaves off EU gibs retard, you think they'll give you some as well if we put analny into kremlin?

ok, you will work for 800 euros cleaning my toilet, your rent will be 600 euros for a shoebox apartment around niggers, food prices are rising and 1 liter of fuel costs 2.40€.
you also pay 42% income taxes and 19% VAT on everything you buy.
there is also mandatory health insurance so if you dont pay 200€ minimum every month to the health insurance you will get automatically into debt even if you never went to the doctor.
if you want a dog you pay a dog tax.
there is also mandatory payments for owning a TV and internet which is around 20€ every month. if you dont pay it they will put you into prison as the propaganda doesnt finance itself on its own.
when can I expect your arrival?

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To be fair I don't know a single person who has the PS5

kek pussy libron

You are not in Russia to begin with, Moshe.

How much is rent on average? Do you have a large homeless population?

>your country is STILL in the fucking 90's lmao
You say that like it's a bad thing.

100%, brainless consoomers, hate this scum so much

>still in the 90s
Sounds perfect to me

Sorry lad, you're on your own.

We're full.

You are about to be told what a scumbag and traitor you are, you should support Lord and Savior or Russia Vladimir Putin because BASED

>some of the best shit we can get here
Nigger, you're glowing

In the actual 90s they were in the 40s. Getting to the 90s by the 2020s was a massive accomplishment.

Head own down to Louisiana user. You'll prolly have to get to Romania first before you're able to get to The States, but I'd welcome you into my house user. If you have a single sister THEN you're definitely living with me.

Lol things are alright still in America. We got plenty of food. My biggest concern is that my vape pen isn't getting hot enough, so I'm gonna have to do something about that, really ruined my evening yesterday. All a man wants is some carts, soda, and Kelly Brook titties. Do you have any of those things in Russia? How does one live under such draconian rule?

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So do something about it



>Come and live here for some weeks and see it for yourself.

Most polcels are delusional about Russia, they don't know anything about it, they're just programmed like NPCs to shill for LE GOD EMPEROR POOTiN..
They really think it's some right wing trad fantasy land.

Attached: Russia Meme vs. Reality.jpg (2800x2800, 925.35K)

user, you're country represents the opposite of western civilization.
So failures in western civilization will think in your side they would prosper and not question their shitty life choices/capabilities...

Дaжe cepиaлы бoгaчe нac.

Yeah and than more russians will come and than Putin will want liberate you

Nah, fuck off

>eastern europe leaves off EU gibs retard,
Kek, what a fucking retard

russia sucks because smart people leave. Work on yourself.

Go abroad, claim persecution for being a homosexual. Sell boypussy for $$$.

Well you could just hook it up to your house's electrical system somehow OR you could use some kind of high resistance wire. Options are endless.

No mongoloid monkey refugees, sorry

>not one nigger in the bottom pic
literally paradise

Give us back our lands and you can live in my shed.

I understand the sentiment.

I think he is comparing the 1945 Germany that Hitler left behind with the policy poverty that putin is inflicting on the Russian people.

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kek, m8, every Russian uni have about a dozen of emigrant's letters as success stories. Mostly from girls who managed to caught an yuro boyfriend and made it official.

Trade places with me.

WTF is this chicken scratch?

Learn to code.

Sucks to be you, well most sensible course of acction is moving through some neutral country and seeking political assylium.

Come here,tell them you are a ukrainian refugee and ask for transit to you family in germany. They won't ask for any details.

They think under globohomo they will easily get rich or something, as if the average westerner doesn't earn and spend right away like we do.
Some might have extra left over and some might get rich.
It's the same exact shit everywhere.

Renting is rare. Not much homeless, you can't survive winter really.

You want some niggers? Go to SPB or Moscow. They are there.

Attached: Maria Mombinda Saint Petersburg Russia.jpg (1280x960, 407.14K)

All foreign volunteers that will fight moskal invaders will get Ukrainian citizenship, don't miss your chance, you even get to shoot the people you hate.

>become refugee
>export yourself to the Netherlands
>live in some shelter for aprox. 1 year
>get a nice little appartment
>fully decorated with top tier shit
>great TV, top quality internet and minimal rent
>pay rent with government settled money
>you don't have to pay taxes and you pay 1/3rd the healthcare we Dutchies pay

This is not a joke.... there are actual fucking companies here that help you with that shit. Its how we got infested with niggers and sandrats

Just pretend you’re Ukrainian or a Russian defect and flee to EU. Pretty easy to get out of your situation ngl

>The average salary here is about 200 dollars.
>People are literally starving here and searching for food in trash...
all lies btw

Wait, yeah I second this.

Don't go to Louisiana, user. That shit would be like jumping outta the frying pan and onto the stove. If you thought things were bad in Russia, just wait till you've seen a family of lard asses hitting up a Dollar Tree to buy snacks and dinner.

Come to California. I'm here in California. Your sister and you could live here with me. We have lovely weather, lots of money, awesome things to do, and it'll be a big step up for you from Russia...and definitely Louisiana.

We can smoke weed all day, then we could take turns banging your sister. Could be fun.

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i'm sure we can work something out

No wonder you guys don't breed.

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>Work on yourself... so you can leave

good plan, do this

you glow

if I want to see niggers here I just need to look out the window as they are fucking everywhere, in Russia you need to go actively search them in the big cities to find them.

I want LiveLeak videos with Russians instead of Chinese people.
Is that possible?

a.k.a light-switch brain. if you don't such putin's chabad dick you're a muh reddit tranny!!

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Just get whats coming to You for keeping Putin in charge for 30 years.

Hope You enjoy getting fucked!

I love watching mutt VPN shills IMPOTENTLY seethe about Russia.
Your tears are delicious.
Keep going!

here, let me help

Attached: 1633977842788.jpg (736x1012, 56.9K)

Eastern Europe did not benefit from joining the European Union as much as you would like to believe.

Emigration, closing down of factories because local factories could not compete against EU tax free imports, closing down of atomic power plant in the case of Lithuania (as a pre-requisite to join EU) that was not only a massive source of revenue for the country, but also kept energy prices very low.

Eastern European nations are basically living on benefits at the cost of Western Europe using its population for labour work like construction etc.

>WTF is this chicken scratch?

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Cost is like 15x less than here in the US. You can get a nice place to live for $100 month.

Not really, especially if you're white. They are already fucking Ukrainian refugees with tons of paperwork in some places.


You sound like some worthless westernized zoomer faggot.

Lol what a nightmare country. Imagine seeing that little fucker drunk as fuck on your way to the textile factory at 6am in -20c.


do you have any skills?
No country needs a retard


How much does Putin pay if you give him your loyalty?

he can come here any time he wants, we need cheap workers who will do jobs that we dont want to do.

if he has an attractive sister then she can make a killing working in a brothel.

Sorry man. You have to stand with Putin though all this. Do you think that nazi Germany would have been saved if Hitler had been assasinated? It's so unfortunate that it has come to this.

Salary outside of moscow is probably less than 200

But in russian village you just drink vodka and eat potatoes all day so theyare fine, thats all what russians needs

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monkes nation approved...

About three fiddy.

>No country needs a retard
thats where you are wrong.
mopping a floor, flipping burgers, collecting and sorting through garbage, cleaning old people in nursing homes etc.
there is many jobs we have for unskilled people.

hes welcome here.

You have onw fucking containing website fucking 1ch. GO BACK THERE WHINNER

same beer. it's probably the cheapest one. 2 liters in a plastic bottle.

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And than what? Remote work for western companies is over in Russia

you stay there

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I'm sorry Hans, but all the refugee spots have been reserved for arabs and niggers.

i would dead ass consider moving to russia right now if weed was legal there

how long till that?

How long until pol Russbros get drafted to go to the front lines? Do you guys already know what position in the army you’ll be applying?

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the grass is always greener somewhere else...
we have the exact same problem here idiot...
we have so many hobo they made hobocity, you can get shot every time you walk out and you're casually suppose to hate yourself and everything your ancestor did and to accept to live a mediocre life so nigger and paki can live a better one
stop crying like a baby about your life and make it better
you'll not find anything magic in any other cucked up globohomo country

Thought that's why you imported millions of niggers in the recent years? What did you do with them?

>2 liters in a plastic bottle

Attached: 1ewdzs.jpg (399x385, 43.81K)

Кaкиe блять cepиaлы?
You VPN nigger

>doesn't want to live in places where weed is legal
>wants to live in place where it isn't
>also wants it legalized there
Aka flee from progressive shithole to conservative state, turn in progressive, rinse and repeat

Gas prices can suck my cock. I don't even go out, I send out a wagie from some app to waste his own gas to fetch me my tendies

>moving to russia
It will be a life changing decision for you, user. Can't promise you'll like it, but at least you won't be bored.

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only a calcified direction-brain would come up with this theory