Wendy’s corporate greed must end

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Yeah and how much do they pay that red haired bitch?

Stop buying Wendy's fatass

never trust Bernie

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Bernie is a charlatan

with a thousand companies doing shit just like this WHY would Bernie choose a goy founded/goy owned company like Wendy's to target with his rhetoric?

can someone here please explain to me why these weirdos and their followers constantly campaign against corporate greed but when it comes to policy exclusively eviscerate lower and middle-class business owners?
i get that the politicians are con artists but surely people aren't that stupid? (i know, silly me)

Yeah those numbers didn’t sound right. They would be an enormous increase year over year. Amazon maybe did that.

I used to eat a lot of Wendy’s back in the 90’s. There is something about their food that gave me horrific, almost alien farts. Otherworldly stenches. Chemical smells that should not be emanating from a human body. And the farts were always boiling hot. Like hot chemical vapor pouring out of my body.

It is a mystery.
Has this kike ever criticized a Jew?

Because destroying middle class America is a small price to pay to secure the voting rights of autistic trans nonbinary POC refugees in wheelchairs.

Looks like the leftist grifter needs a new summer home!
Pay up simps!

based Wendy's!!!!

I can't remember what the original company was but yes this is edited

I make $300k as a chef at wendys

Bernie is a tard.

How about they unfuck the spicy chicken sammich.

>no refunds

I would never trust a jew on any matter, let alone financial ones

> Millionaire
> campaigns for 15/hr
> wont pay his own staff 15/hr

The absolute state of bernie supporters. Lmao

Well no shit if inflation comes I think the CEO deserves an increase in wage just like everyone.

>ingredient price goes up
>overall cost of item adjusts to reflect
>old man fails to grasp concept and shouts retardation into the void
More news at 7.

how many homes does Bernie have now? why hasn't he given any of those homes to black transgenders?

what is this guy doing about any of these wealthy ceos besides bitching about it on twitter?