I have never been in a broadleaf forest. what is it like politically?

i have never been in a broadleaf forest. what is it like politically?

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Bru what kind of fucking politics do you think happens in a broad tree forest

bugs, snakes, pollen and natural beauty abound!

Prim-anarco shit you couldn't even comprehend.
>this nigga don't bang rocks in a cave with his friends

That map can't be right.

South China and the Vietnam, Laos, Combodia, Myanmar countries are jungle zones.

rainforests arent the same as broadleaf temperate forests

Ah, that's what you mean. Yeah those are hot forests.

If you ever experience the cold forests I suggest visiting one in the mornings before the sun rises.
There will be dew under the leafs, and they drop down the the forest floor.
It's like you hear rain all around you, but there is no rain that falls on you from the skies. It's a sensory experience that messes you up, but it's extremely comfy, like being inside your home and not affected by the rain.

jungle != broadleaf zone. Dont be dense

Also, when the dew under the leafs drop to the forests floor, it's like beautiful, gentle music of nature.

Its the best thing ever. Unfortunately I havent been in one either for many years. Mountains suck.

Its my version of paradise. Wish I could go back in time to the age if the mighty chestnut before they all got killed by fungus n shiet because east coast forests were alive with animals and insects like a jungle. The descriptions left behind by early explorers give me a feeling that I'm sure has a German word.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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Also this map just shows where they CAN grow not where they actually are. Most of these places are heavily deforested. I know for a fact that the east coast of America should show about a third of what it does. Same for europe.

Politically very chill. Everyone just kinda leaves each other alone except for the obvious exception of cities.
>t. Willamette Valley user

>broadleaf forest
Very weird and specific flex but okay?
Now post the same map, but excluding countries with trannies/kikes/niggers.

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Very cool

Sometimes you have to chase niggers out the woods when they're "partying" and bumping loud monkey rock, burning garbage and irresponsibly trying to set the wood on fire, and shooting in unskilled and irresponsible ways. I had my tent destroyed, my gear and my .22 rifle stolen out of my tent, and i caught the niggers who did it too when i tracked them down after they started shooting it. I held those monkeys at gunpoint with my WASR-10 and made them give it back, then shot their campsite up with half a mag from my AK. They practically turned white and nearly shit their stupid baggy pants. Politically speaking, you might find niggers in the forest so be prepared to deal with them.

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>completely covered in forest
what in the fuck was this map maker smoking?

It's a very confusing name, since jungle trees have even more broader leafs than the cold forests.

it used to be

Using rocks?!?!?!
Those are tools!!!!
AnPrim using tools, ngmi

I think it's during the autum seasons when that happens.
The rain sound is amplified due to the forest floor being covered in leafs.

I don't know about politically, but it sucks to live on windswept grassland, I love trees.

>what is it like politically?
Best kind of forest, smells and looks different each season. Perfect home for songbirds and provides plenty of shadow during an especially hot day. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Attached: broadleaf.png (1130x726, 1.44M)