Only one man can save us from the certain destruction that is coming. Embrace slack

Only one man can save us from the certain destruction that is coming. Embrace slack.

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Bet and check

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would ya look at that

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I smell pinks.

The face and vocabulary of someone without slack

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>never even been to the server
>calling me a pink
i'm sorry but you're posers. the real face of your people is boomer tier takes

O boy it’s actually a Bobby…

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>they haven't even been to an x-day
so disappointing, really.

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what a boomer

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Hey everyone not only is this person very familiar and heckin subgenius they are also young enough to say boomer.


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>these are not the words of a boomer
"Our formerly great newsgroup is now about 90% what we might call extremely jealous unbelievers, Pink Boys, the Differently Saned, obsessive spurned fanboys, occultist ninnies who claim they're Dobbs or God, racist psychos and other "Bob"less paranoid PinKooks."

Yea exactly fuck you too

Imagine actually quoting scripture though what a fag


imagine larping (or actually being) a part of this boomer pasquinade

Checked and Dobbs-pilled

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>the gate keeping expert in this thread
Sorry I don’t argue with jaded projecting boomers

behold! your people!

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We’ll now we’re getting somewhere… what exactly is your beef?

Besides the perceived age difference you seem to have for no fucking reason besides “o this thing is kind of old”

Praise Bob

I Shall give you a reason.