Attached: women moment.jpg (605x501, 100.26K)

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At least that guy fucking gets it. Anyone dying for Zelensky is a fucking retard


Nah, that's just women being cunts. They expect everything for nothing, even while unjustly handing out white feathers.

Fuck women

Why isn't that evil cunt fighting?
Why should other people die for her sake?

Absolutely disgraceful. Traitor. Along with the rest of you. If your leader says fight to the death then you fight to the death. If you can't follow orders you're a traitor. Traitors should be shot. Do you understand?

Do you have the clip link? I am lazy, my guy.
Also volunteers cucked youtube.com/watch?v=uzqjOVe50F4

Armenian money laundering scheme


Why aren't women fighting?

Attached: Pink_feather.jpg (1080x1104, 98.52K)

She would fuck a Russian soldier for a can of peaches
Her being the one trading the can of peaches for the Russian cock

She's the only one there with any decency or common sense.

If Boris said kill yourself you would do it huh British fag

>Why aren't you sacrificing yourselves for us goy?
>Fuck off Schlomo


Why aren't embassies in the west recruiting female mercs? I thought they were as much as capable as men and they seem to care a lot about Jewkraine.

>Anyone dying for Zelensky is a fucking retard

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Shut up traitor

Fuck you, Shlomo! I’m keeping my foreskin.

Loving these twitter screencap threads. Sure is a lot to discuss when OP provides 0 information.

I fucking hate women



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Fucking based. (((Fighting for your country))) is cucked and bluepilled. If your country gets attacked, YOU SURRENDER. What do kike shills not understand about this? Putin’s based and redpilled. Why wouldn’t anyone want to surrender to him?

It's not like you can understand Russian anyways dumbass

lol the comments are full of people implying he should have been at the front fighting the russians despite not being mobilized to do so at any point

Zelensky was probably one of the most corrupt leaders in the west lmao. He and his cabinet were all over the Pandora Papers. That guy in picrel is right.

answer the question you stupid fucking bong

There are no civilians when your country gets invaded....amiright or what.

Only if you shut up

Kek! You Jewtin defenders make me laugh.
All high IQ individuals realise the only way to (((defend democracy))) is for every country in the world to get involved in another war between the East and the West.
WW3 is patriotic bro trust me. Anyone who doesn't want to go die in ditch for Zelensky is obviously a treasonous anti-freedom coward with no principles. MORE WAR!

Oh Fuck off. In war, Truth is the first casualty. The man was absolutely right, they paid their fucking taxes for defense, and the army abandoned them in a day. Fuck that shit. He's a Ruskie missle now.

Funny part is, the exact same shit will play out here in America when the Chinese invade. The grand US military will withdraw to protect the wealthy while the rest of us are left to starve or kill outselves fighting the chinks.

what the hell even is a "nation" or "country" anyway? Seems like some mythical thing that doesn't even exist. No idea why anyone would go and die for it.

What even is it? A shared idea? A geographic area? The people who live in a particular region? It's a nonsense.

I post under this flag, which represents my country. But I have no attachment to any of it. Who the fuck are these people? Just by happenstance they were born in this same little series of islands in the pacific and by force were educated in it's schools and have to adapt itself to it's pre-existing social and economic conditions. That the world pre-existed my birth is an affront in itself, and NOW because of those historical reations, I am employed to have some sort of loyalty to this regime, some sort of identity towards and affinity towards this nonsense. As if this flag and it's people run in my blood? Fuck off.

I'd never die for anyone or anything but myself and my own ends and aims.

Maybe if they were forced to fight they'd overthrow their faggot Jewish president instead and we could all avoid ww3.

Ukrainians are getting Russian gibs??? Sounds comfy as fuck. Anyone that was tricked into making molotovs must feel like such a retard right now.

Based and Spook pilled

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This entire board is for the white nationalist community you fucking nigger kike. Why are you here if you’re not a nationalist?

>your leader
>entirely Jew owned government

Owners aren't leaders