Jen psaki drinking

if you pay attention to her cheeks every day, you can tell how sloshed she is on the podium
she is a drinker and it's getting worse the more the media criticizes the administration, but Biden and Kamala like her

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Bro we are all on something these days, but I mean the bitch is Irish so it makes sense.

Definitely. She's 43, but she looks like she's in her 50s.

kratomchads rise up

I thought she was 60

I bet she has giant pepperoni areolas

i was just handling some carolina reaper seeds and went to take a piss and now my penis is on fucking fire

Her in two years

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shit sorry, wrong board i thought i was in /burningpenis/

just shitty makeup that she does on her own.
Damn I never realized she had a lazy eye, but that wouldn't stop me from tongue fucking her stink nugget.

wtf I thought she's 80

Fuck lads, i could suck on that harsh, angular beak all day long

You have parasites.

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I think she's kinda hot

Why the fuck is she so attractive
What is wrong with my brain

Beats that Sasquatch that Trump used to send out.

>lop sided booba

i bet she fucked like a pornstar in college

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She's a ginger with big tits. I forgive her drinking..

if you manage to do her job of professional reality twisting 24/7 without any sort of substance abuse or getting instant cancer, i honestly fear you more and think you are really abnormal than when you actually do abuse or straight up rot inside. with abnormal i mean to a point of psychic medical relevance.

hello fellow west coastie

She's so god damn ugly

it's kind of pitiful how i'm on kratom nicotine and caffeine almost every waking moment (and refined sugar/carbs/fats/salt which trigger the same pleasure chemicals/reward pathways anyway)

whenever i quit (for example, fasting + tapering kratom/caffeine/nicotine) i feel great- my energy levels increase, my ability to focus and get things done multiplies exponentially- but i keep backsliding. it's demoralizing man. i feel powerless.

and the internet! by far the worst addiction of all. i pray every day for some kind of EMP or cyberattack to free me from this prison.

better than drinking but not good bros.. not good. don't deceive yourself.

During covid, I've quit everything except coffee.

You would be drinking too if you had to do her bullshit ass job, user

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if you ever get a girlfriend, you will notice almost every single woman has one breast larger than the other in some way or shape

>i keep backsliding. it's demoralizing man. i feel powerless.
me too but keep trying. we live in a unnatural satanic world. Keep chipping away at the devil's grip because you'll win ultimately.

Kratom withdrawals sucked

She's 40+ isn't she.
Those are menopausal hot flashes.

I thought she was 30 somethin.

she fucked obama

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yeah she is drinking
my semen that is