QRD on this Kang?

Attached: Olaf_Scholz_2021_cropped.jpg (1200x1616, 476.15K)

scandal ridden corrupt kikebot

better than merkel but thats not saying much

>better than merkel

i'd like to axe his skull in half.
along that line from his left mouth to above his right ear.
fr tho, i feel german politicians don't matter, they all react the same to happenings

Not the frame of a leader

A complete moron. Only such idiots can be put in the highest position of power shortly before total collapse. They will follow every single order from (((Globohomo))) without realizing the consequences.

Attached: Impfpflicht alle Namen.png (2791x1858, 855.34K)

>better than merkel
Absolutely worse. Hes fucking over the german economy. At least under Merkel that was something you could count on.

He is incredibly based.

those are some interesting names.
i think im gonna hold onto them for later

You must be kidding.

that's the impression that I got, despite change in government it seems that Germany's foreign agenda hasn't changed at all, they still want to dominate Europe economically and politically in cooperation with Russia.

> Hes fucking over the german economy
Lol, see (((their))) tactics works wonders, do you really think that Scholz is personally guilty? He is but a Sündenbock to be sacrificed soon. He will implement Ze Impfpflicht this fall and it will work for 1 year. Afterwards, Scholz will be jailed and the "side effects" will be paid by your tax euros.

Attached: german laws 2024 compensation.jpg (2638x1155, 1.02M)

Under his chancellorship Germany will finally find its doom. Not doom as in complete destruction but as in ethnic Krauts will finally and irreparably become a minority in Germany.

>MOAB for Berlin
>Germans will become ethnic minority hurr durr

Scholz is based.

>better than merkel

The CIA had really no other choice than this old boring homosexual?

>destroys LNG ports

Clearly the american century at work here.

In cooperation with Russia?
thats the program of die linke and the afd more than govt policy
I was referring to the fact that we theoretically have "conservatives" with the cdu (and the afd, but lets not pretend as if they'd have to achive 75% before they'd be admitted as a leading party) vs the left (sdp, die linken, die grünen), yet the actual policies implemented by the cdu were not conservative at all.
I thought mostly about germany's inner policies.

also, we should ban any corrupt fucks from becoming politicians and execute any corrupt politician

care to elaborate?

Were closer to Berlin bombed to ashes than ever. How is this not frenetically supported, I dont get it.

But wouldn't nuking Berlin rather save ethnic Germans? Berlin has no Krauts

Thats what I am telling you.