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When you push something too much and too obnoxiously, don’t be surprised when people start opposing and ignoring it out of spite.

"refill stores" cost more than just buying a new bottle.

First I'm hearing of this.

kek, reminds me of when Texas ran a big ad campaign to stop littering throughout the state, turns out it increased the amount of garbage people were throwing on the ground
Then they invented the catchphrase 'don't mess with Texas' and wah-lah

Yeah man I'm going to go into a store and spend an hour of my time to refill something instead of hitting buy now on Amazon.

This. Its not hard to figure out what happened when they sold an inferior product at a higher price.

>and wah-lah
Why are illiterate niggers allowed on the internet?

Based retard

Wah la

kek for me the best example will always be covid masks. Went from everyone being on board and not caring if you wore one at the very beginning, then wagies and liberals used it as a power trip and it was pushed and shoved down your throat on all fronts, and now in my town people openly harass people at the store for wearing one kek. As much as I want to call them entire thing retarded, they pushed so hard the last couple years that they get what they deserve and I have no desire to stick up for them. It was the same thing with Kony 2012. After a few months, I wanted that fucker to take africa over just to make the zealots pissed.

Lol I wouldn't even have noticed until you pointed it out.

Voila indeed.

Because corpos want money, same reason for everything.


Found their problem. Are refillables buyers really "giving up on" the product? Or are they just serviced more than adequately by mail-order subscriptions and Amazon? How is brick and mortar supposed to compete with companies who realized they can just ship shit dehydrated on the cheap? It's not a complex product that benefits from one-on-one attention from sales associates, it's fucking soap and detergent.

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Hahah fukin wah la

Exact reason I'm unvaccinated

So are you supposed to bring your lotion bottles and refill them there? Who the fuck would want to do that?
>drive to refill store
>bring bag full of old slimy bottles
>drive back home
Seems more expensive than it's worth, especially since you have to factor gas and time into the required effort of saving a couple of dollars/pounds/whatever

>Went from everyone being on board and not caring if you wore one at the very beginning, then wagies and liberals used it as a power trip and it was pushed and shoved down your throat on all fronts, and now in my town people openly harass people at the store for wearing one kek.
Incorrect, in the beginning our liberal peers told us masks were completely unnecessary and we were spreading panic by buying them


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even millennial muricans are still lazy pieces of shit

found the reddit tourists

You should be unvaccinated because the vaccine is untested and ineffective.

Is this a European thing? Never seen one of these or heard of it. What do you refill?

>I was only pretending to be retarded!111