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They switched their avi from masked selfie to Ukrainian flag.

I refused to get jabbed by a compound made by literal Jewish veterinarian and now they want me to support a Jewish comedian.

autism makes me immune to propaganda

>people who agree with MS on everything, also agree with it on Russia


Nice try gook faggot, still rooting for hohols
Fuck putinoids and fuck vaxxtards

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pic related

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Putin is fighting against paedophilia... Does that mean you are for harming children?

>they want me to support a Jewish comedian

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What? No. I love children.

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Goes to show that anti-vaxxers are just too stupid to recognize what's going on. I feel sad to be lumped in with them.

Have they actually violated the Geneva Convention yet? Declaring war and attacking someone isn’t a war crime.

The 32% are the only people left who aren't retarded

Ukrainian FAG

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Honest question though while I’m fucking disgusted at Russia for doing this the question was pretty specific, had Russia committed war crimes? That’s not an opinion.

Exactly this. It's a critical thinking test. Has there been any evidence of Russian war crimes so far? No. Maybe there are some but nothing has surfaced (yet) thus there is no reason to believe it unless you're just lapping up government propaganda.


Of course. They've bombed residential buildings, hospitals, and kindergartens. They're even on video shooting at press.
The only way Russian leadership and generals avoid war crimes trials is if in the peace negotiations they can make a deal that nobody will prosecute them.

Those aren’t war crimes covered by the Geneva conventions as far as I’m aware.

>msm brainwash victims will believe whatever msm tells them

propoganda works
never kid yourself that it doesn't
the fear in 2016 was that the "new right" would get control of the propaganda machine, and reprogram the populace, because it would work

>They've bombed residential buildings, hospitals, and kindergartens
Who doesn't do this during a war?

>fear they would get control of the propaganda machine
Exactly, normies don't wake up they just absorb whatever their authority figures tell them to believe.

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I think if it’s true they took hostages from Chernobyl that would actually be a war crime, but nothing else you said is. Killing civilians in the course of active combat isn’t illegal.

sauce? i don't trust infographics with more than 5 different font


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So it sounds like they’re not really hostages, which doesn’t surprise me.

Ok anyone with some knowledge of the Geneva Conventions which war crimes can we point out?

>Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
>Article 8 - War Crimes
. For the purpose of this Statute, ‘war crimes’ means
>>>i. Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;
Shooting at the press.
>>>ii. Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives;
>>>ix. Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not military objectives;
With the sheer amount of residential buildings, hospitals, and kindergartens that have been hit, the courts would probably argue that it was part of how they operate. Grozny would probably be an example of them practicing this type of warfare before.
That's a good question.

If the Ukrainian males are being forced to stay and fight by their kike government, that makes them combatants and perfectly cromulent targets

time for banana

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>Presented without link
fake and also gay

but did you get autism from a vaccine?

Have they deliberately shot at the press? Only dead one I know that was shot directly was by Ukrainians and the Ukrainians have now started kicking the press out. Not sure artillery or other indirect fire would count.

I haven’t seen any evidence they haven’t just been indiscriminately attacking. Not exactly a secret the Ukrainians are held up and actively shooting from these places.

I’m ready to say they’ve committed war crimes but frankly our media will be all over that the second it’s clear as day.