Why is the left so susceptible to the media's lies and propaganda?

Why is the left so susceptible to the media's lies and propaganda?

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Good question. I don't know.

willful ignorance.
orange man bad, remember?
that means that anything that hurts orange man is good--even lying to ourselves.

Simple version - They're idiots.

Less simple - The have more emotional awareness than they do logical. So they base all their opinions on reactions of people as opposed to an internal logical progression.

Maybe it is because most of them don't understand the concept of critical thinking.
I mean, we're talking about the same people that thought defunding the police and abolishing jails and prisons was a good idea.

Because left vs right divide is a cover for kikes vs whites

>why is the left
>why is the right
shekel for a good goy

>Because left vs right divide is a cover for kikes vs whites
That's not what I was taught in my critical race theory class. I was taught that white people are the bourgeoisie and that they take baths in the blood of black people of color, and us black PoC's need to rise up and KILL WHITEY so that we can turn the USA into a communist nation, where none of us will ever have to work again, and we will all get a universal basic income.

>obvious phenomenon that reflects poorly on leftist minions
>shills check playbook decision tree
>hurr durr they all do it goy left/right is all the same go back to sleep
Is that about right, kikes?

No. All kikes, man woman and child, need to be physically removed from earth.

>No. All kikes, man woman and child, need to be physically removed from earth.
I bet you wish you had a time machine so you could go back to 1933 and assist Hitler with killing 6 million jews.
Imagine how wonderful things would be if 6 million jews really WERE killed back then. :)

Hunter had sex? WTF?

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>yes lets go own the libs haha miga amirite bros? Q predicted this trust the plan!!

Why do you care what they think? Beat them until they submit.
Optics and king jew will not save you.

>assist Hitler with killing 6 million jews
The holohoax never happened
Imagine a world without jews

>Hunter had sex? WTF?
You should send some fighter planes to Ukraine so you can give Putin an excuse to attack Poland

We'll send them... in two more weeks!

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Srsly, I'd expect more scandals with Donnie's son than Biden's but alas, reality often times is stranger than fiction.

Much like children, modern adults are also “highly impressionable” and they will pick up on “social cues” presented to them. Politics, fashion, trends, etc.

This meme explains exactly what happened perfectly. Laptop exposes child sex slaves, pedo incest, insane levels of corruption and blackmail. Shills spam the same 6 dick pics and derail corruption threads trying to memory hole what we were actually talking about. then to top it off they make memes putting a trump hat over a literal depiction of a leftist shill shilling, literally depicting them trying to frame us, while pushing the lie that the source was illegitimate. Holy fucking Kek my sides can’t handle all of this.

Tranny shills eternally btfo
Biden btfo.
You faggots are so lucky the majority population are npc’s

Triple 7’s. Shouts out my boy Kek, he knows.
Disgusting pedo

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I suspect it stems from the left's own propaganda. Your faction's propaganda determines what personality types are attracted to (and repelled from) your faction, and rival factions can observe this and make similar propaganda to hijack your faction's base. Since leftist propaganda relies heavily on appeals to emotion, this cultivates a base that is highly susceptible to emotional manipulation, which in turn allows neoliberals etc to tap into the leftist base by producing a similar style of propaganda.