What are good indicators someone is stupid in a political argument?

For me, its when they compare the US to Europe, they'd be better off comparing our states to one of their countries.

Another one is called whataboutism, its when you argue "well what about this" that has absolutely nothing to do with the original point.

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they're you

They engage in a political argument.

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Hell yeah we Texas baby

how many of those countries have to pay for healthcare?

I got asked $100 once for an iron transfusion told them to fuck off and walked out after getting it. Never heard about it again.

Name calling and unable to give a simple straight answer. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Damn, Angola has a really cool looking flag. What the hell goes on there?

Running with easily disprovable and the most debunked arguments like ever.

Wage gap has been disproven so much that anyone who claims something larger than 6-8%(even that would be an mischaracterisation)

Workplace inequality in numbers, anyone who wants 50/50 women and men is straight up retarded.

Open borders is an retardation many still cling to but will strongly indicate evil or stupidity or jewish heritage.

>wage gap
this. fucking retatds think they can just take a sector of jobs and assume everything should be equal without taking into account experience, education, area etc etc

When they have an American flag.

They're just mutts. A land of mutts. No culture. No heritage. No architecture. No one dominant race. No loyalty between peers.
I could go on but I just woke up

>just woke up
>already thinking about America

Attached: EURORENTFREE.png (814x730, 341.15K)

I'm not sure. The US has a form of socialized medicine as well. We have Medicare and Medicaid which is basically welfare rats and old people who get taxpayer funded healthcare. This actually provides healthcare for about 100 million americans. Most other americans with jobs get healthcare via their employer. The only people who don't get healthcare are the fringe class. These people are too rich to be on welfare but too poor and/or can't afford private healthcare. These are your grocery store cashiers and waitress type people who are basically fucked if they need health insurance but these people aren't splitting the atom anyway and I think its funny watching them go bankrupt or die so fuck em'

Most Liberals are NPCs which are basically the borg from startrek, they're a hivemind collective. Another one I find when discussing politics with liberals is they tend to repeat the same buzzwords they see on TV or reddit or something (IE: Right Side of History, Full Automatic Assault Weapon of War, Love Trumps Hate, etc).

I've met very few traditional democrat liberal types who actually came up with coherent and original talking points on why they vote blue. They just kind of seem to do it because they are told to.

well the ZOG did put a gay jew from California as our governor

Any attempt to substitute emotion for reason

>No Culture
As a collective our culture is rampant consumerism and apathy but most culture in the US is split up different on region. The South is much different than the latte liberal northeast which is much different than the desert and california.

>No heritage
Yeah we're only a few hundred years old and most people can still trace their ancestors back to when they came to the 'new world' buddy. Give it time we can only fuck and reproduce so fast we're only a few generations in.

>no architecture
kek who gives a fuck what it looks like as long as it works. I will admit europe had a bit more soul but that isn't really our fault they let the niggers in 2, 300 years ago and they live in the cities and destroy everything. Some rural towns have nice architecture and soul

>no one dominant race
Unironically the best part of diversity is lots of different food

>no loyalty between peers
fuck everyone else what sort of idiot cares about others?

Pretty unfair but that‘s just me

America is a mongrel nation no identity, all mixed up. You can't expect them to have any loyalty or emotion for their people. Especially since their government is Jewish as well.

Fuck it would be awesome if they expelled them, but they're too cucked

>You have to be responsible for other people
keep that shit in Europe/Oceania. We value individualism here. if you like it that's fine


user you will never know the love of going to a Tongans party and them getting pissed off at you because you bought some food because they're a giving and sharing culture.

Yours is depressing sorry.

Hahahah. Asshurt Brit changing his accent once the colonies kicked the shit out of the Regulars and sent them packing back to Londontown. We have the best culture. The best architecture. The best of everything. Walked on the Moon.


what is unfair? the fact that everyone doesn't get healthcare? You don't have a right to it. Thats basically what it comes down to. You are essentially saying you have the RIGHT for someone else to diagnose or service you; and that doctor or nurse does not have the right to refuse you. This is called slavery in some places, forcing people to help others. Hence, we have decided and it has been ruled that we do not want healthcare to be a right.

The thing you need to understand about americans is, we were founded on individualism and liberty, and roughly 40% of us still care about that. Additionally, giving more power, money, and expanding the scope of the government may work in certain european nations; but it doesn't work here, as the US government has proven they spend too much money, they fuck up everything they do, and they do it inefficiently. So basically its saving grace is the fact that they're so dysfunctional they're actually pretty worthless.

everyone that gets involved in political arguments are stupid.

Technically the US flag isn't on the moon anymore. The sun's UV rays shining on it for all these years with no barrier to protect it has likely rendered it a 100% white flag now; which is the French flag.

>Americans don't have a showing culture
lmao e give more to charity then Europe and ours isn't state mandated
You should have your supposed moral superiority over Europe who gives less then kenya

>live in bible belt
>be raped
>abortion is illegal
>$20,000 to deliver a baby
>paid $9 an hour

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Charity outside of helping your own people or another 2st world western country is wasted.

you piss that money away on niggers and sand people who rape kids and don't know how to farm or not have 10 kids and lose 5.

>abortion is illegal bc its the bible belt
>High healthcare costs
thats because we have Gov speculation in pricing that drives costs up for everyone

guess I forgot one more line
>shit education system

lmao cope you argument is wrong and you should feel retarted. Bc you are
3rd largest producer of wheat, one of the largest agriculturist nations. Where is Australia on that list? No where?

Only people who have never been to the US talk like
>let me tell you about your country
And it's blatantly obvious that they don't realize that America is a HUGE country that is vastly different depending on where you are and who you're interacting with. Many such cases.

Based texas

>let me tell you about your country
let me guess you watched a BBC doc about America and know your an expert? Fuck off I think I hear a Dingo eating your baby

Colorado bros...

>Ohio higher gdp than Michigan
How the fuck

Idk we export coal and shit, whatever it is it's not wheat but it generates enough revenue to pay for my healthcare

Why would I want rich chads to have lower taxes if it means id pay if I broke my leg

>$20,000 to deliver a baby
Are you making this up? This is covered by welfare healthcare of private insurance 99.9% of the time.
>abortion is illegal

You are literally making shit up or attempting to find a strawman argument all because we don't think people should have a right to healthcare? HUH?

>have GDP of Ecuador
>filthy spics still invade your state to steal jobs and drive up housing
Why won’t these subhuman manlets and their fridge-shaped women stay the fuck out of Mississippi?


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>wait it's all ohio
always has been

Lebanon aint worth $56B no more trust me

Oh thats why GDP is a stupid measurement

Do they take another person's opinion as their own?

like this guy
obvious troll or disgruntled aussie is obvious

>we gots the same gdp as 3rd world shitholes n shieee

Attached: ocpae1iimf771.jpg (742x745, 73.61K)

>pay for your healthcare
And thats fine if that's your prerogative. It's a different culture we prefere not doing that. It doesnt mean we are greedy

Mexico is almost as rich as Canada lol