Hitler, Savitri Devi, and the next Avatar

I remember seeing on here a while back someone talking about how Savitri Devi, despite believing Hitler to be an important Avatar of Vishnu - the “lightning and the sun” as she called him - believed that there would be another after him, being “more lightning than sun”, and that Hitler apparently knew about this, and was paving the way for him. Does anyone have sources on this? Maybe even a link to the original archived thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping if someone has it because that would be nice to find it

how about you just read her book "the lightning and the sun" like a white man, instead of asking us to regurgitate it for you, retard.

Kill yourzelf jew

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She’s hot!

Pretty much all of her known works can be found here for free.

She was predicting the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Savitri was an Austrian Econ fag. The real death blow to globohomo is in the financial jowls.

She's based and built for Indian men

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The funny thing is that she's probably going to end up being right. How else can National Socialism conquer the world but through a single man of extreme passion, vision and practical ruthlessness? A single man who will capture the hearts and minds of entire nations and continents, and give them the absolute certainty of an infinite future. That man, who will have Hitler as his teacher, will be the true Saviour of the world

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A white woman larping as a hindudu. How enlightened...

It’s not detailed in the lightning and the sun, it’s in additional writings. Miguel Serrano talks about it too iirc

Didn't she hate Christians? At least make your shilling compelling, you can achieve this by putting the whole quote, for example, you can always take it out of context in a way that would confuse and demoralize a low level Any Forumstard. I would have thought you guys at the JIDF get some training before they start shilling but you seem to be pretty bad at this, were you a nepotism hire? I can imagine how the kikes just hire among themselves with that resulting in having low qualified people in those positions, sad to see really, that's like half of why countries remain shitholes. Anyways, neck yourself you stupid fucking faggot kike, I hope the day comes when the last thing you see is my face laughing at the sight of my pitbull eating your dick.

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Thanks man

Oh boy if you would know who that individum is

Little hint it is the same person who got laughted off from national socialist generals with his butthurt and desperatly making it a christian civnat theocracy

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Write like a grown man.

So what are the qualities or predictions for the new European Messiah coming from her?

And you understand that memeflag wont hide you since unique id exists...
But who am i fooling your only reason here is to stir mess while bumping the thread with it

I wish I could remember, I don’t think I screencapped either, just that this new avatar would be “more lightning than sun”, which makes sense in Devi’s thought because she saw Hitler as being too compassionate (letting the Brits go at Dunkirk, for example)

she was like 500,000 years too early my guy.
Kaliyuga started when we attained civilisation and departed more from nature.

>Didn't she hate Christians?
yes she hated all judaism offshoots and cults.

>So what are the qualities or predictions for the new European Messiah coming from her?
He will act with unprecedented ruthlessness. He will kill by the millions the thieves who have dared dress themselves as kings.
And he will give the Aryan race the world. She believed the ''Greater Reich without borders' would be his own creation.

no mention of smells at all I notice... very suspicious

>no mention of smells at all I notice... very suspicious

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