Just joined the Russian volunteer army. Here's the material they gave us

Just joined the Russian volunteer army. Here's the material they gave us

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The Satanic Bible should be required reading in school to introduce people to common sense. I challenge anyone who disagrees to state one thing wrong with any statement in the Satanic Bible.
>Contains more common sense in a couple hundred pages than your entire faggy bloated bloated holy books.

But it’s not 2000 years old so it’s not as impressive

16 year old /r/atheism cringe redditor.

Edgy try-hard cringe.

based and truth pilled
Christianity is to blame for the WEST
The EAST is the Future, fuck the racist white west

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Russian's fighting literal nazis and jewish demons, are also Satanist's.... k

Lavey is a misspelling of "Levi", he's a kike. Unironically.

He was just using the satanic church as a way of undermining christian laws in the US. Because if christians get all sorts of special accommodations, then by law his "satanic church" must get all the same accommodations. Just another anti-christian kike

Post your nose rabbi

Dude it was invented by a pussy-chasing carnie for the pure purpose of gaining him ass and money. Same drinking circle as L Ron Hubbard. It's boilerplate secular humanism with a little 'fuck you dad' teenage angst sprinkled on top.

so what if he is Jewish? Russians are not racist nazis, they are ok with that

>some faggot loser in his apartment
Ok cool, comrade

You must be retarded

fat fingers, go for a run instead of reading, fatty

>just be the bad side of the thing we don't believe in
Is Satan worship the biggest cognitive dissonance of all?

that is in line with my system of morals

>one thing wrong wi-
Compiled and written by a kike.

>Satanic Bible
I'd slap you both for being retarded.

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Nigger faggot detected

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You do realise Duginism is full of contradictory statements deliberately and that Dugin was an edgelord in an edgelord party lead by a bisexual Commiefascist with AIDS, that self identified Nazbols were more of a protest movement, are all jailed while Dugin became a respectable Russian conservative. The story is confusing because it was designed that way. The West does the same thing. I can't think of any ideology so exciting that I would require YOUR death...

Totally but I do think like many memetic pastimes it attracts people who will be the purists looking for a more authentic expression against Christianity etc

hahahaha you're so funny